19th International Conference on Innate Immunity


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  • Aegean Conferences Communication  

    Please note that our registration fees include hotel accommodations and therefore no additional reservations are required. The only communication you should receive is from Aegean Conferences and if your paying by credit card, payment receipts from Conferex LLC. SCAM Alert: Beware of any third party companies calling and/or emailing you to reserve hotel accommodations for you during our conferences


    In completing the online registration form you are not automatically accepted to attend the conference nor are you automatically registered for the conference. Final registration to the conference shall occur after you have been accepted and notified by the conference chair of your acceptance to the conference. If you have been charged the registration fee but your attendance has been declined you will be reimbursed in full.


    You want to arrive at the Athens International Airport (code: ATH). You can take a taxi from the airport to the hotel (~100 EUR). You may also rent a car at the airport and drive to the conference center. 

    Accommodation Tax

    An accommodation tax of € 10.00 per room night will apply, and will be charged automatically to the individual guest’s extras accounts. 


    Accommodations for the conference are at the Wyndham Loutraki Hotel.  The hotel is located in Loutraki, 114 km from the Athens International Airport

    Arrival and Check-in

    It is expected that attendees will arrive/check-in after 3:00 PM. Anyone arriving after 10:30 pm on the first day should make alternative dinner arrangements.

    Conference Venue

    The Wyndham Loutraki Conference Center is located at the hotel. 

    Handicapped Accessibility

    The site is fully handicapped accessible.

    Oral Presentations

    Speakers are asked to bring their USB flash drive to the reception desk at least 30 minutes prior to the session.  The allocated time for all presentations, unless otherwise indicated, includes five minutes Q&A.

    City Tour

    Buses for the city tour will depart from the hotel front lobby at 3:30 pm. Badges are required for participation. 


    Breakfast for registered participants and registered accompanying persons will be served at the Wyndham Loutraki Hotel main restaurant during the hours scheduled in this program. 

    Lunches/Informal Discussions

    Lunches for registered participants and registered accompanying persons will be served during the times indicated in this program at the main restaurant and only after the session has finished. Badges are required for admission.

    Dinners/Informal Discussions

    Three of the dinners/informal discussion will be served during the times indicated in the program. Vegetarian entrees are available only upon request in advance of the meeting.  Please contact info@aegeanconferences.org. 

    Internet, Phone, & Computer

    Wireless Internet access is located throughout the conference center free of charge during meeting hours. There are computers available in the hotel’s business center for the use of the attendees. Phone service is available for an additional charge from your hotel room.

    Certificate of Participation

    A Certificate of Participation will be distributed to a participant for those sessions that the participant has attended. A participant must attend an entire session to receive credit for that particular session. Late arrivals and early departures from a session will preclude a participant from receiving credit for that session. 

    Passports and Visa
    Participants are advised to check on their individual requirements before attending any Aegean Conference meeting. Visa applications should be filed at the nearest Greek Embassy in the country in which you are resident, at least three months prior to the anticipated departure date.

    Letters of Invitation
    Letters of invitation to attend an Aegean Conference meeting will be issued only to:

    • Authors of accepted abstracts
    • Fully paid registrants

    Note: Invitations are issued at the discretion of Aegean Conferences, and requests for letters will be accepted only 60 days prior to the conference start date.

    Liability and Insurance
    Neither the organizers, nor the Aegean Conferences will assume any responsibility whatsoever for damage or injury to persons or property during meeting period. Participants are advised to arrange their own personal travel and health insurance.  

    Other Information

    Animals are not permitted on site.

    Badges are required for admission to all events.

    All Aegean Conferences events are non-smoking.

    No Photographs and Recording Devices

    Participants are not allowed to photograph and/or record using cameras, mobile telephones and other recording devices during the slide and poster presentations. 

    Code of Conduct Policy 

    Aegean Conferences is committed to making its meetings an inclusive space for sharing ideas and knowledge. The code of conduct can be viewed here. 

Thursday, June 06

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Conference Registration
07:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Welcome Reception and Dinner

Friday, June 07

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
09:00 AM - 09:15 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Trained Immunity I
Chairs: Triantafyllos Chavakis and Mariusz Ratajczak
09:15 AM - 09:35 AM
Trained immunity: from pathophysiology to therapeutic target
Mihai Netea
09:35 AM - 09:55 AM
Long term reprogramming of newly formed neutrophils by systemic hypoxia
Sarah R Walmsley
09:55 AM - 10:15 AM
Training host defense against pulmonary pathogens
Maziar Divangahi
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM
Heterologous Immunity: How Infection History affects Inflammatory Diseases
Nikolas Rakebrandt, Nima Yassini, and Nicole Joller
10:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Calcineurin/NFAT signaling reprograms the epigenomic landscape during innate trained immunity
Aitor Jarit-Cabanillas1, Gillian Dunphy1, Miguel Galán1, Iñaki Robles-Vera1, Diego Mañanes1, Irene Adán Barrientos1, Pablo Mata-Martínez3, Marta Bergón Gutiérrez3, Yutaka Negishi4, Sara Martínez- Martínez1, Manuel J. Gómez1, Sarai Martínez-Cano5, Ana Quintas1, Ana Dopazo1,6, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo1,6, Juan Miguel Redondo1,6, Musa Mhlanga4, Carlos del Fresno3, and David Sancho1
10:55 AM - 12:00 PM
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Abstract #48-#86)
Bone marrow and Trained Immunity II
Chairs: Sarah Walmsley and Mihai Netea
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory comorbidities
George Hajishengallis
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
Innate Immune Memory in Diseases of the Aging Eye
Przemyslaw (Mike) Sapieha
12:40 PM - 01:00 PM
Regulation of Innate Immunity by RUNX1
Nancy A Speck1, Alexandra U Zezulin1, Daniel Yen1, Darwin Ye2, Elizabeth D Howell1, Erica Bresciani3, Jamie Diemer3, Jian-gang Ren4, Mohd H Ahmad5, Lucio H Castilla5, Ivo P Touw6, Andy J Minn2, Wei Tong4, Paul Liu3, Kai Tan4, Wenbao Yu4, Joanna Tober1, George Hajishengallis, and Hui Wang
01:00 PM - 01:20 PM
Innate immune memory: The dynamics of low-grade inflammation, exhaustion and rejuvenation
Liwu Li
01:20 PM - 01:40 PM
Innate immune reprogramming in asthma
Eva Kaufmann, Gabriella Stefan, Conrad Pietrzak, Vidthiya Jeyanathan, and Faith Brennan
01:40 PM - 02:00 PM
Epigenomic reprogramming of the bone marrow: beneficial vs pathogenic trained immunity
Musa Mhlanga
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Lunch and Informal Discussions
03:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Informal Discussions
07:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Dinner and Informal Discussions (Buses depart from hotel lobby)

Saturday, June 08

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Innate Immunity and Infection
Chairs: George Hajishengallis and Liwu Li
09:00 AM - 09:20 AM
BTK drives neutrophil activation for sterilizing antifungal immunity
Michail S Lionakis
09:20 AM - 09:40 AM
Role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in respiratory viral infections
Clémence Ngo1, Khalissa Rahmani1, Michael Valente1, Nils Collinet1, Caroline Laprie1, Mauro Gaya1, Claude Gregoire1, Achille Broggi1, Bernard Malissen1,2, Ana Zarubica2, Marc Dalod1, and Elena Tomasello1
09:40 AM - 10:00 AM
CBF-beta as a negative regulator of STING and cell intrinsic interferon gene expression
James A Nathan
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
The intersection of adaptive and innate immunity in the lung: implications for chronic pulmonary insufficiency
Satomi Ito1, Baihao Zhang1, Seiko Narushima1, Yuki Sugiura2, and Sidonia Fagarasan1,3
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
The contribution of inflammation to Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis
Christina L. Stallings
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Shaping the neutrophil: morphological, genomic, and functional maturation
Julia Salafranca, Narain Karedla, Ka Ko, Zhichao Ai, Huw Colin York, Erinke van Grinsven, Marco Fritzsche, and Irina A. Udalova
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Abstract #48-#86)
Regulation of Innate Immunity and Inflammation
Chairs: Nancy Speck and Peter Murray
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Effector response to necroptotic cell death: an ensemble of immune and stromal cells
Carla V. Rothlin
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
Immunometabolic regulation of inflammation and its resolution
Triantafyllos Chavakis
12:40 PM - 01:00 PM
Type I interferon exhaustion
Elina Zúñiga
01:00 PM - 01:20 PM
Unexpected roles for complement in cell physiology
Claudia Kemper
01:20 PM - 01:40 PM
Mechanisms and functions of locally-produced complement
Behdad Afzali
01:40 PM - 02:00 PM
Deubiquitination for adapting intracellular signals specifying cellular transitions in innate immune responses
Maxim Gavriilidis1,2, Ioakeimidis Fotis1, Pantelis Hatzis1, George Mosialos2, and Dimitris L. Kontoyiannis1,2
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Lunch and Informal Discussions
03:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Informal Discussions
07:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Dinner and Informal Discussions (Buses depart from hotel lobby)

Sunday, June 09

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Inflammation and disease
Chairs: Carla Rothlin and Ben Afzali
09:00 AM - 09:20 AM
Cell-specific requirements of type I interferon signaling for the anti-tumor effects mediated by innate immune training of granulopoiesis
Lydia Kalafati, Panagiotis Sidiropoulos, Aikaterini Chatziioannou, Giulia Trimaglio, and Triantafyllos Chavakis
09:20 AM - 09:40 AM
Hematopoiesis at the crossroads of innate immunity and purinergic signaling
Mariusz Z Ratajczak
09:40 AM - 10:00 AM
An Inflammasome Safeguard in Premalignancy
J. Magarian Blander
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
AXL improves the effector function of disease-associated microglia and protects against Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Sourav Ghosh
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
Known and novel functions of lambda interferons
Evangelos Andreakos
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
History of a success: setting proximal complement inhibitors as new treatment paradigm for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Antonio M Risitano
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Abstract #87-#124)
Myeloid Cells
Chairs: Elina Zuniga and Dimitris Kontoyiannis
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
New transcriptional checkpoints of neutrophil development
Irina Udalova
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
Reassessing the Role of HIF-1a during the early phase of Inflammatory Macrophage Activation
Pedro M Moraes-Vieira
12:40 PM - 01:00 PM
New concepts of neutrophil maturation: a matter of location
Oliver Soehnlein
01:00 PM - 01:20 PM
Dendritic cell heterogeneity: subsets and cell-fate switching
Juliana Idoyaga
01:20 PM - 01:40 PM
A proteomic map of tumor-associated macrophages identifies novel therapeutically targetable mechanisms in cancer.
Lev Becker, Kasturi Chakraborty, Chang Cui, Katarynza Kurylowicz, Kelly Schoenfelt, Guolin Zhou, and Karis Lee
01:40 PM - 02:00 PM
Pan cancer single-cell atlas of mouse and human tumor-infiltrating dendritic cells
Aarushi Audhut Caro1,2,3, Daliya Kancheva1,2, Pauline M. R. Bardet1,2, Emma M. Verheye1,2,, Kim De Veirman, An Coosemans3, and Damya Laoui1,2
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Lunch and Informal Discussions
03:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Guided Tour of Ancient Corinth (Buses Depart from Hotel Lobby)
08:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Dinner and Informal Discussions (Buses do not return or pickup from the hotel prior to dinner)

Monday, June 10

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Chairs: Alberto Mantovani and Claudia Kemper
09:00 AM - 09:20 AM
Signaling via aromatic amino acid metabolism in tumour microenvironment
Peter J Murray
09:20 AM - 09:40 AM
Metabolic control of monocyte to macrophage differentiation
Edward J Pearce
09:40 AM - 10:00 AM
A decade of macrophage immunometabolism research
Jan Van den Bossche
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Impact of nutrition on immune responses in allergy and cancer
Elodie Segura
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
Redox-adapted BMDMs confer paracrine ferroptosis protection to cancer cells
Patricia P Ogger1, Julia Sauer2,3, Meshal Ansari2,3, Carolin K Watson2,3, Eva Griesser2,3, Katrin Fundel-Clemens2,3, Alina Nessensohn2,3, Matthew J Thomas2,3, Karim C El Kasmi2,3, and Peter J Murray1
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Sterol-izing Immunity: Cholesterol Control of Mammalian Gasdermins
Charles L Evavold
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Abstract #87-#124)
Current topics in innate immunity
Chairs: Irina Udalova and Lydia Kalafati
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
The yin yang of tumor-associated macrophages in cancer progression
Alberto Mantovani
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
MU-KIN Mouse Ageing Atlas
Aki Minoda
12:40 PM - 01:00 PM
Vishwa Dixit - TBA
Vishwa Dixit
01:00 PM - 01:20 PM
Shabaana A. Khader TBA
Shabaana A. Khader
01:20 PM - 01:40 PM
Getting the numbers right: how neutrophils self-organise their migration to inflammatory sites
Milka Sarris
01:40 PM - 02:00 PM
Why do we survive (or not) infectious diseases?
Miguel Soares
02:00 PM - 02:05 PM
Closing Remarks
02:05 PM - 03:30 PM
Lunch and Informal Discussions
03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
Informal Discussions
07:30 PM - 11:30 PM
Farewell Dinner

Tuesday, June 11

08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM