5th International Conference on the Long and the Short of Non-Coding RNAs


Name Institution
Cecilia Arraiano ITQB / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
David Bartel MIT, HHMI
Brenda Bass University of Utah
Javier Caceres MRC Institute Genetics & Molecular Medicine Edinburgh
Jun-An Chen Academia Sinica
Simon Conn Flinders University Adelaide
Nadya Dimitrova Yale University
Ryan Alexander Flynn Harvard University
Myriam Gorospe National Institutes of Health
Richard Gregory Boston Children's Hospital
Jonathan Hall ETH Zurich
Artemis Hatzigeorgoiu University of Thessaly
Lin He University of California Berkeley
Anastasia Khvorova University of Massachusetts Medical School
Adrian Krainer Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Lynne E Maquat University of Rochester
Joshua Mendell UT Southwestern Medical Center
Zissimos Mourelatos University of Pennsylvania
Donal O'Carroll MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine Edinburgh
Nikolaus Rajewsky Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine
Ophir Shalem University of Pennsylvania
Cynthia Sharma University of Würzburg
Sohail Tavazoie Rockefeller University
Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Hagen Tilgner Cornell University
Igor Ulitsky Weizmann Institute
Joana Vidigal National Cancer Institute Bethesda