5th International Conference on Precision Nutrition and Metabolism in Public Health and Medicine


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46 Detecting diet-related changes in mouse tissue composition with Raman spectroscopy
Isaac D Juarez Hinojosa1,2, Alexandra Naron3,4, Heidi M Blank1, Michael Polymenis1, David Threadgill2,3,4, Patrick Stover5, and Dmitry Kurouski1,2,4
47 Identifying markers for glycemic control, the effect of DIet-induced weight loss versus Sleeve gastrectomy and Gastric bypass
Alicia Garcia Santisteban
48 The circadian rhythm of health professionals: Wellness and health- Survival and anti-aging protocols of Greek dentists.
Theodora Kalogerakou and Μaria Antoniadou
49 The association between diet, gut microbiota and growth since birth depends on sex and pubertal maturation: A study in adolescent children from the TARGet Kids! Cohort
Paraskevi Massara1,2, Arooj Asrar1,3, Amel Taibi1, Carolyn Spiegel-Feld3, Jill Hamilton4,5, Charles Keown-Stoneman6,7, Jonathon Maguire1,4,6,7,8,9,10, Catherine Birken1,2,7,8, Robert Bandsma1,3, and Elena Comelli1,11
50 metabolic and functional Impact of exogenous Citrate on human Macrophages
Hanna Willenbockel1, Lea Woyciechowsky1, Fangfang Chen1,2, Birte Dowerg1,2, and Thekla Cordes1,2
51 Methyl intervention reverses memory of prior American diet exposure in B6 males
Alexandra Naron1, Anna Salvador , and David Threadgill1,3
52 Identifying markers for glycemic control, the effect of Diet-induced weight loss versus Sleeve gastrectomy and Gastric bypass
Alicia Garcia Santisteban1, Marthe Isaksen Aukan2,3, Catia Martins2,3,4, and Elin Chorell1
53 Examining Factors Impacting Variability in Endothelial Function Responses to Blueberry Consumption in Postmenopausal Women with Above-Normal Blood Pressure: A Secondary Analysis
Emily K Woolf1, Janée D Terwood2, Sylvia Y Lee3, Nancy Ghanem3, Nicole S Litwin3, Sangeeta Rao4, Ana Rodriguez-Mateos5, Christopher L Gentile3, Tiffany L Weir3, and Sarah A Johnson3
54 Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Florencia Balcells1, Radia El-Iraki1, Darshan Kambli2, Carolina Maldonado-Galdeano 3, Gabriela Perdigon3, and Chantal Matar1
55 Single-cell transcriptomics of white adipose tissue from women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Congru Li1, Gustaw Eriksson1, Haojiang Lu1, Eva Lindgren1, Angelica Lindén Hirschberg2, Qiaolin Deng1, and Elisabet Stener-Victorin1
56 Resistance training-induced change in lean body mass is not associated with changes in haemoglobin mass
Kristian Lian, Håvard Hamarsland, and Daniel Hammarström
57 The linoleic acid metabolite 9-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (9-HODE) promotes metabolic adaptions in skeletal muscle
Xue Yu, Nicolas J Pillon, and Anna Krook
58 Comprehensive profiling of Novel synbiotic drink developed using kefir and basil seed mucilage: Next step for improving gut health
Muskan Chadha1, Ratnakar Shukla2, Shalini Choudhary1, Rohit Kumar Tiwari2, and Karuna Singh1
59 ex vivo tissue slice culture links nutrients to lipid metabolism
Anna S Trimble1, Maureen Ruchhoeft2, Jonathan R Weitz3, Satoshi Ogawa4, Kristina Peck4, Ethan Ashley2, Andrew Lowy3, Dannielle Engle4, and Christian Metallo2
60 Characterization and functionality of nano-encapsulated curcumin and quercetin for co-targeting spoilage and pathogenic foodborne bacteria
Angela P-H Kunadu1, Yashwanth Arcot2, Javad Barouei3, Mustapha Akbulut2, and Matt T Taylor4
61 characterization of nutritional and bioactive compounds in popped sorghum-based sports drink premix.
Shalini Choudhary1, Karuna Singh1, Muskan Chadha1, and Ratnakar Shukla2
62 Dose-response study of folate supplementation on muscle mitochondrial DNA integrity
Luisa Fernanda Castillo and Martha S Field
63 Alterations of the de novo thymidylate biosynthesis pathway in mice cause neural tube defects which are modified by uracil DNA glycosylase deficiency and folic acid
Kendra A Tiani1, Martha S Field2, and Patrick J Stover1
64 Excess folic acid exposure increases uracil misincorporation into DNA in a tissue-specific manner in a mouse model of reduced methionine synthase expression
Katarina Heyden, Olga V Malysheva, and Martha S Field