. Ravi |
Iron-deplete diet enhances C. elegans lifespan via HLH-30/TFEB and AMPK signaling
Aballay Alejandro |
Nuclear Hormone Receptor NHR-68 Controls Immunometabolism during Intestinal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Probiotic-Mediated Protection against Motor Neuron Degeneration during Oxidative Stress
Abu Kwaik Yousef |
Intracellular Legionella within amoeba as a Trojan horse for infection of macrophages
Ai Xianlong |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Ali Irtiqa |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Amrit Francis |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Ann Kline Kimberly |
Impact of fluid flow and quorum sensing on biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance in enterococcal infective endocarditis
Areali Antonia |
Engineering E. coli for an efficient protein secretion via the T3 secretion system.
Arias-Rojas Aranzazu |
Pathogen-microbiota interactions in Drosophila model
Assie Adrien |
Cultivated relationships: genetic regulation of the gut microbiome in C. elegans
Bahr Laura |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Balla Keir |
Discovering viruses and studying immunity in a zebrafish RNAquarium
Baluya Dodge |
G protein-coupled receptor NMUR-1 regulates energy homeostasis in response to pathogen infections
Barreda Daniel |
Ancestral mechanisms for the induction and control of immunity through fever
Beck Daniel |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
Belin Brittany |
Bacterial analogs of cholesterol promote soybean-Bradyrhizobium symbiosis
Benedetto Alexandre |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Bossen Judith |
Activation of the innate immune system in Drosophila airway stem cells leads to both apoptosis and proliferation via the Foxo/AP-1 and Ets21C axes, respectively
Broderick Nichole |
A Drosophila model for infection-induced loss of intestinal barrier function and homeostasis
Brown Sam |
Can we infer host adaptation from pathogen genomes? Cryptic specialization in the ‘generalist’ pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bui Danny |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Cai Hua |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Carvalho Agostinho |
Dissecting a novel regulatory role of Toll signaling pathway on cellular immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Casadevall Arturo |
Dynamics of host-microbe systems
Catchpole Leah |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Chamilos Georgios |
Evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of fungal phagosome biogenesis: from Drosophila to humans
Dissecting a novel regulatory role of Toll signaling pathway on cellular immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Chen Yuqiang |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Adult flies mount an early immune response to injected oncogenic cells different from antimicrobial defenses and suggestive of parallels with innate defenses in mice
Cohen Shirli |
Mechanisms of Vaginal Colonization by Group B Streptococcus: Impact of Commensal Fungi on Bacterial Virulence Potential
Dähn Sonja |
Impact of the plant bioactive compound allyl-isothiocyanate on the survival and defense of bacteria-infected Drosophila melanogaster
Das Priyanka |
Iron-deplete diet enhances C. elegans lifespan via HLH-30/TFEB and AMPK signaling
Deng Huimin |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Dierking Katja |
Microbiota-derived natural products determine protection against pathogens in C. elegans
Dolan Stephen |
Unraveling the complex interkingdom crosstalk between fungi and bacteria during infection
Doran Kelly |
Mechanisms of Vaginal Colonization by Group B Streptococcus: Impact of Commensal Fungi on Bacterial Virulence Potential
Duerkop Breck |
Antiphage defense and counter-defense during enterococcal-phage interactions
Earl Ashlee |
Travel, colonization resistance, and acquisition of AMR pathogens
Frahm Dagmar |
Pathogen-microbiota interactions in Drosophila model
Geppert Blake |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
Gharbi Karim |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Ghazi Arjumand |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Ghobrial Mark |
TBA - Ghobrial
Goldberg Joanna |
Improved mouse model better mimics bacterial behavior in chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis
Hatzis Pantelis |
Dissecting a novel regulatory role of Toll signaling pathway on cellular immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Heitman Joseph |
Comparative genomics of the closely related fungal genera Cryptococcus and Kwoniella reveals karyotype dynamics and suggests evolutionary mechanisms of pathogenesis
Horswill Alexander |
Staphylococcus hominis bacteriocins protect against skin pathogens
Hosea Ciara |
Cultivated relationships: genetic regulation of the gut microbiome in C. elegans
Huang Jingxian |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Adult flies mount an early immune response to injected oncogenic cells different from antimicrobial defenses and suggestive of parallels with innate defenses in mice
Hunter Ryan |
Dual oxic-anoxic co-culture reveals reciprocal host-pathogen interactions under hypoxia
Iatsenko Igor |
Pathogen-microbiota interactions in Drosophila model
Imler Jean-Luc |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Kirienko Natalia |
The impact of Pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnolipids and siderophores on host cell death and inflammation
Koo Hyun (Michel) |
Selenomonas sputigena: how a motile bacterium influences a childhood oral disease
Spatial dynamics of host-microbiome interactions in the human oral niche
Krombach Gabriele |
The tobacco hornworm Mandua sexta as a powerful Model Host
Lan Xiao |
Adult flies mount an early immune response to injected oncogenic cells different from antimicrobial defenses and suggestive of parallels with innate defenses in mice
Lažetić Vladimir |
Stenotrophomonas indicatrix promotes innate immune response against obligate intracellular pathogens in Caenorhabditis elegans
Lemaitre Bruno |
The role of Malpighian tubules on insect immunity
A humoral stress response protects Drosophila tissues from antimicrobial peptides
Li Xiaoxue |
The role of Malpighian tubules on insect immunity
Stenotrophomonas indicatrix promotes innate immune response against obligate intracellular pathogens in Caenorhabditis elegans
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Lin Xiaoqing |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Liu Jiyong |
Adult flies mount an early immune response to injected oncogenic cells different from antimicrobial defenses and suggestive of parallels with innate defenses in mice
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
G protein-coupled receptor NMUR-1 regulates energy homeostasis in response to pathogen infections
Pathobiont and symbiont coordination maintains microbiota homeostasis through Malpighian tubules-gut countercurrent flow in Bactrocera dorsalis.
The role of Malpighian tubules on insect immunity
Lorenz Michael |
Mechanisms of Vaginal Colonization by Group B Streptococcus: Impact of Commensal Fungi on Bacterial Virulence Potential
Luallen Robert |
A molecular understanding of microbiome bacterial adherence to gut epithelial cells
MacNeil Lesley |
Neuroprotection from the microbiome: Multiple mechanisms at play
Martin Jack |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Mehlferber Eli |
Can we infer host adaptation from pathogen genomes? Cryptic specialization in the ‘generalist’ pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Meignin Carine |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Nenedaki Electra |
Dissecting a novel regulatory role of Toll signaling pathway on cellular immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Nguyen Nguyen |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
Nicholas Bradley |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
O'Riordan Mary |
Oehlers Stefan |
Primary tuberculous granulomas provide a niche for superinfecting nontuberculous mycobacteria
Olsen Carissa |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Ost Kyla |
Mechanisms of Vaginal Colonization by Group B Streptococcus: Impact of Commensal Fungi on Bacterial Virulence Potential
Pan Lei |
Pathogen-host interactions and interorgan communications in model animals
Posavi Marijan |
Molecular mechanisms of skin remodeling during water-land-water cycles in African lungfish
Reinke Aaron |
The Caenorhabditis elegans bacterial microbiome influences microsporidia infection through nutrient limitation and inhibiting parasite invasion
Ren Jie |
Nuclear Hormone Receptor NHR-68 Controls Immunometabolism during Intestinal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Selenomonas sputigena: how a motile bacterium influences a childhood oral disease
Spatial dynamics of host-microbiome interactions in the human oral niche
Roberts Kenneth |
G protein-coupled receptor NMUR-1 regulates energy homeostasis in response to pathogen infections
Roeder Thomas |
Activation of the innate immune system in Drosophila airway stem cells leads to both apoptosis and proliferation via the Foxo/AP-1 and Ets21C axes, respectively
Rommelaere Samuel |
A humoral stress response protects Drosophila tissues from antimicrobial peptides
Royet Julien |
Dissecting the interactions between bacteria and the fly nervous system
Rumbaugh Kendra |
Bacterial and host response to biofilm dispersal in wound infections
Salinas Irene |
Molecular mechanisms of skin remodeling during water-land-water cycles in African lungfish
Samuel Buck |
Cultivated relationships: genetic regulation of the gut microbiome in C. elegans
Sang Yu |
Probiotic-Mediated Protection against Motor Neuron Degeneration during Oxidative Stress
Sellegounder Durai |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
Shi Leizhi |
Activation of the innate immune system in Drosophila airway stem cells leads to both apoptosis and proliferation via the Foxo/AP-1 and Ets21C axes, respectively
Shih Barbara |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Siciliani Daphne |
Molecular mechanisms of skin remodeling during water-land-water cycles in African lungfish
Singh Varsha |
Olfactory receptors modulate host-microbe interactions
Iron-deplete diet enhances C. elegans lifespan via HLH-30/TFEB and AMPK signaling
Smith Ryan |
Mosquito immune cells: Immunophenotyping and contributions to mosquito-borne pathogen transmission
Speare Lauren |
Innovating antibiotic-independent therapies with a marine symbiosis
Sperandio Vanessa |
Metabolic exchanges between pathogens and the intestinal microbiota
Stebe Kathleen |
Selenomonas sputigena: how a motile bacterium influences a childhood oral disease
Sun Jingru |
G protein-coupled receptor NMUR-1 regulates energy homeostasis in response to pathogen infections
Unckless Robert |
The genetic basis of divergence in immune defense between species
Veneti Zoe |
Dissecting a novel regulatory role of Toll signaling pathway on cellular immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Vilcinskas Andreas |
The tobacco hornworm Mandua sexta as a powerful Model Host
Wagner Anika |
Impact of the plant bioactive compound allyl-isothiocyanate on the survival and defense of bacteria-infected Drosophila melanogaster
Wang Archer |
Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 controls innate immunity by regulating DNA metabolism
Wayhs Bella |
Maternal-embryonic molecular interactions during pathogen attack
Wee Denise |
Primary tuberculous granulomas provide a niche for superinfecting nontuberculous mycobacteria
Wei Ziming |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
West Jordan |
Stenotrophomonas indicatrix promotes innate immune response against obligate intracellular pathogens in Caenorhabditis elegans
Wibisono Phillip |
G protein-coupled receptor NMUR-1 regulates energy homeostasis in response to pathogen infections
Windfelder Anton |
The tobacco hornworm Mandua sexta as a powerful Model Host
Yin Ting |
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Zarate-Potes Alejandra |
Identifying core gene networks involved in host gut bacterium interactions using a multiomics approach.
Zhang Hongyu |
The role of Malpighian tubules on insect immunity
cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila
Zhou Xiaojing |
Adult flies mount an early immune response to injected oncogenic cells different from antimicrobial defenses and suggestive of parallels with innate defenses in mice
Zimmermann Christian |
Impact of the plant bioactive compound allyl-isothiocyanate on the survival and defense of bacteria-infected Drosophila melanogaster