15th International Conference on Genomics and Systems Biology of Human Disease and Aging

Authors List

Important: The program online is copyrighted to each author and should not be copied and pasted!
Author Abstracts
Boytsov Alexandr A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Cote Allison A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Feehery George R. Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Abisheva Alex A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Abramov Sergey A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Adams Peter Epigenetics of senescence and aging: from mechanisms to interventions
Aerts Stein Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Agabiti Sherry A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Ahimovic Dughan Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Ahmad Insha Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Akhtar Asifa Epigenetic regulation by histone acetylation
Albertorio-Saez Liz Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Anderson James TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Andrews Cecilia Bifunctional Effectors that Switch from Activators to Repressors: Dynamics and Mechanisms
AQEILAN RAMI Mapping the Breakome of Cancer Cells: What Lessons have we learned?
Modeling and Characterizing Rare Genetic Diseases: from Basic Science to Translational Medicine
Araúzo-Bravo Marcos The cell-free genic extrachromosomal circular DNA profiles of Dnase1l3 knockout mice and systemic lupus erythematosus patients with DNASE1L3·deficiency share common features
Arzate Rodrigo Genome and epigenome interactions in the maintenance of traces of past life experiences
Asami Soichiro A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Aschenbrenner Anna The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Azad Priti A high altitude experiment-in-nature in humans: role of non-coding RNA
Balcells Florencia Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Baldissera Gabriel A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Bale Michael Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Barciszewska Anna The epigenetic effect of cannabis on glioblastoma cell lines
Barco Angel Epigenetic etiology of intellectual disability
Barisic Darko Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Bartosik Weronika Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Beaulieu Julie Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Becker Matthias The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Bell Claire A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Belmont Andrew Nuclear Organization of Gene Expression by Nuclear Speckles, Surrounding Structures, and Active Gene Motion
Belter Agnieszka The epigenetic effect of cannabis on glioblastoma cell lines
Berchtold Nicole Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Berger Michael Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Beyer Marc The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Bintu Bogdan Integrative single-cell analyses reveal a spatial organization program directing the formation of cellular communities in the developing human heart
Reactivation of neurogenic niches in aged mammalian brain
Bifunctional Effectors that Switch from Activators to Repressors: Dynamics and Mechanisms
Biswas Tathagata Fish(ing) in the Hi(gh)-C(sea)
Blum Laura E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Bogush Daniel Global regulation of Heterochromatin Landscape and Gene expression in pediatric Leukemia
Bolaji Olufemi The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Bonaguro Lorenzo The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Brand Andrea Time to Wake Up: Regulation of Neural Stem Cell Quiescence
Brannon Madeline A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Briganti Francesca Bridging the gap between genetic mutations, molecular mechanisms of disease, and personalized therapeutics
Brosque Alina Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Brumhard Sophia The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Budinger Scott Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Burg Jonathan M TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Burnett Destiny Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Campbell Matthew E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Carbonaro Marisa scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Caretti Giuseppina BET inhibitors rewire metabolism in the aged skeletal muscle
Castillo Melissa Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Chen Chumo Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Cheng Wen-Hsing Acceleration of Age-related Gut Dysbiosis and Type 2 Diabetes-like Symptoms by Dietary Selenium Deficiency
Chin Hang Gyeong Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Choe Heera scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Costa Eli Bifunctional Effectors that Switch from Activators to Repressors: Dynamics and Mechanisms
Cotman Carl Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Cowles Martis W. TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Dahm Kilian The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Dai Nan E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
De Domenico Elena The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Dietrich Oliver The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Ding Yali Global regulation of Heterochromatin Landscape and Gene expression in pediatric Leukemia
Dong Keyi Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Doud Emma The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Dovat Sinisa Global regulation of Heterochromatin Landscape and Gene expression in pediatric Leukemia
Dwivedi Anjana abrogating gallbladder cancer growth through modeling and simulation of data-driven logical model of circadian-hypoxia crosstalk pathway
Ecker Joe Brain cell diversity: Insights from single cell 3D epigenomics
Economides Aris scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
El-Iraki Radia Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Engel Yarden Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Erijman Ariel E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Esteve Pierre-Olivier Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Evanich Daniel E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Ezell Ryan J TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Fang Weixiang A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Fedder-Semmes Karlie Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Feng Yunfei The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Fik Zdenek Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Fondufe-Mittendorf Yvonne 3D chromatin structure at the intersection of Toxicology and Disease
Ford Kaitlyn The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Frankhouser David Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Friedmann-Morvinski Dinorah Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Fu Xiang-Dong Augmented R-loops as the Underlying Mechanism for Cockayne Syndrome-associated Neurological Disorder and Premature Aging
Fuchs Lukas Machine learning methods for the statistical reconstruction of 3D morphologies from projective microscopy images
Furat Orkun Machine learning methods for the statistical reconstruction of 3D morphologies from projective microscopy images
Gaino Silvia BET inhibitors rewire metabolism in the aged skeletal muscle
Georg Philipp The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
George Sophia Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Gerovska Daniela The cell-free genic extrachromosomal circular DNA profiles of Dnase1l3 knockout mice and systemic lupus erythematosus patients with DNASE1L3·deficiency share common features
Goebel Jessica scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Grigsby-Toussaint Diana Utility of Epigenetic Analyses for Understanding Effects of Environmental Greenspace Exposure on Mental Health and Stress Disease
Guan Kun-Liang Hippo Signaling and Cancer
Hack Gudrun The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Haddad Gabriel A high altitude experiment-in-nature in humans: role of non-coding RNA
Hamm Frederik The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Harabula Izabela The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
He Bing Global regulation of Heterochromatin Landscape and Gene expression in pediatric Leukemia
Helbig Elisa The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Hickman Allison TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Hilius David The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Hradilova Miluse Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Hu Ming Genetics of mammlian chromatin interactome
Huang Bo Mapping the inner world of cells
Hughes Jim Assessing regulatory variation in the normal human population
Indralingam Hannah Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Irastorza-Azcarate Ibai Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Jannasch Amber The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Jensen Tyler A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Ji Hongkai A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Jiang Jenny High-throughput and high-dimensional profiling of single antigen-specific T cells
Jin Shengyan A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Johnstone Andrea Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Kaessmann Henrik Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Kalhor Reza A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Kambli Darshan Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Kempa Stefan Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Kempfer Rieke Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Keogh Michael-Christopher TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Kern Colin Integrative single-cell analyses reveal a spatial organization program directing the formation of cellular communities in the developing human heart
Knoll Rainer The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Kocourkova Sarka Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Kolar Michal Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Krämer Benjamin The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Krausova Martina Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Kraut Michael The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Kukalev Alexander Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Kumary Vishnu U. Sunitha TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Kurth Florian The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Langhorst Bradley E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Lau Pik Ki Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Lavasani Mitra Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Lee Seoyeon Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Lein Ed Understanding cellular vulnerabilities and disease trajectories in Alzheimer's disease
Leinroth Abigail scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Leiss Kevin Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Li Zhe scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Fish(ing) in the Hi(gh)-C(sea)
Liao Linbu The Role of CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein beta (CEBPB) in Type 2 Diabetes
Lieber Richard Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Lin Carolina Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Lippert Lena The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Liu Miao A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Loers Constantin The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Lusic Marina Genomic profiling of HIV-1 integration in blood and brain cellular reservoirs
Ma Jian Machine Learning for Single-Cell Spatial Epigenome
Machluf Marcelle Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Maier Keith Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Maldonado Carolina Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Mali Prashant At scale functional mapping, targeting, and repurposing of protein interactions via PepTile
Mamde Sainath Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Mansuy Isabelle Genome and epigenome interactions in the maintenance of traces of past life experiences
Maragkakis Emmanouil Uncovering the single-cell RNA isoform dynamics of the aging mouse brain using long-read nanopore sequencing
Markowski Julia Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Marunde Matthew Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Maryanski Danielle Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Mason Christopher Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Mastrobuoni Guido Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Matar Chantal Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
McGeary John Utility of Epigenetic Analyses for Understanding Effects of Environmental Greenspace Exposure on Mental Health and Stress Disease
Medina Elizabeth The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Meek Isaac TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Melnick Ari Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Mercola Mark Addressing the cardiovascular toxicity of small molecule oncology drugs
Bridging the gap between genetic mutations, molecular mechanisms of disease, and personalized therapeutics
Mesrizadeh Zahra A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Meydan Cem Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Miele Lucio Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
Misir Neirwantee scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Mlynarczyk Coraline Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Mosley Amber The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Mukund Kavitha Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Müller Sophie The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Mungo Chiara Nucleolar function and genome organisation in cellular aging
Muzumdar Mandar A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Nadeau Joe Parsing disease complexity: A phenotype-guided perspective
Nahmias Shani Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Nattermann Jacob The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Nevi Lorenzo BET inhibitors rewire metabolism in the aged skeletal muscle
Ning Yong-Qiang The Role of CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein beta (CEBPB) in Type 2 Diabetes
Nwanaji-Enwerem Ugoji Utility of Epigenetic Analyses for Understanding Effects of Environmental Greenspace Exposure on Mental Health and Stress Disease
Ochoa Augusto Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Orlando Valerio The Ying Yang of retrotransposons activity in the soma: from junk to RNA tools for antiaging and tissue regeneration
Paganini Daniele Nucleolar function and genome organisation in cellular aging
Panchapakesa Vaishnavi E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Pascual-Leone Belén The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Passerini Alice BET inhibitors rewire metabolism in the aged skeletal muscle
Peer Dan Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Peixoto Lucia The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Understanding the interaction between sleep and transcriptional regulation in Autism
Perdigon Gabriela Role of a Novel Next Generation Probiotic in the Homeostasis of the Gut-Immune Axis and its Contribution to Healthy Ageing
Peterkova Lenka Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Petrov Lev The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Petukhova Anna A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Pfister Stefan Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Phatnani Hemali Using Spatial Genomics to Study the Central Nervous System in Health and Disease
Pichika Rajeswari Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Plzak Jan Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Polansky Julia The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Pombo Ana The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Ponnaluri Chaithanya TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Pospisilik J. Parsing disease complexity: A phenotype-guided perspective
Potluri Tanvi Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Pradhan Sriharsa E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Radda Jonathan A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Raman Karthikeyan Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Reik Wolf Single cell multi-omics landscape of development and ageing
Ren Bing Integrative single-cell analyses reveal a spatial organization program directing the formation of cellular communities in the developing human heart
Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Righelli Dario The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Risso Davide The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Rohde Gernot The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Rohner Nicolas Fish(ing) in the Hi(gh)-C(sea)
Rugel Chelsea Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Ruiz Christian A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Sachova Jana Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Saliba Antoine-Emmanuel The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Samuel David Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Samuelson James C. Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Sanchez-Covarrubias Alex Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Sander Leif The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Santoro Raffaella Nucleolar function and genome organisation in cellular aging
Genome organization in and around the nucleolus
Sapirstein Abel A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Sarropoulos Ioannis Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Sawitzki Birgit The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Schäfer Philipp Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Scheinker David Equitable Precision Digital Health in a Population: Translating Research to Practice and to the Design of More Powerful Clinical Trials
Schlumbrecht Matthew Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Schmidt Volker Machine learning methods for the statistical reconstruction of 3D morphologies from projective microscopy images
Schoenherr Chris scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
Schramm Joseph Global regulation of Heterochromatin Landscape and Gene expression in pediatric Leukemia
Schulte-Schrepping Jonas The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Schultze Joachim The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Schwarz Roland Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
Scott David Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Sedivy John The Epigenomic Landscape of Retrotransposon Expression in Cellular Senescence and Neurodegeneration
Seewaldt Victoria Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Sen Sagnik E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Sepp Mari Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Shi Yang Chromatin Regulation and Cancer
Optical Metabolic Imaging in Aging and Diseases
Singh Aakansha abrogating gallbladder cancer growth through modeling and simulation of data-driven logical model of circadian-hypoxia crosstalk pathway
Singhal Kratika The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Singletary Kristan The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Smetana Jr. Karel Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
St Hilaire Sandy Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Stamatoyannopoulos John A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Stanhope Sarah The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Stastna Monika Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Steidl Christian Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Stubbemann Paula The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Subramaniam Shankar Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
Sun Zu-Wen TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Sunitha Kumary Vishnu Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Suttorp Norbert The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Swedlow Jason Screening for variable drug responses using human iPSC cohorts
Szabó Dominik The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Tacke Frank The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Taipale Jussi Towards predicting gene expression from sequence
Tani Yasmine Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Tarab Dana Novel strategies to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cell immunotherapy in brain tumors
Teodosiadis Athanasios A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Tesarova Michaela Cell Communication in the Microenvironment of Vestibular Schwannoma
Theis Heidi The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Thibeault Charlotte The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Thieme Christoph Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells
The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Thompson Seth Stem Cell-Mediated Mechanisms of Functional Neuromusculoskeletal Restoration in Naturally Aged Mice
Gene variation in the pathogenic DNA repair pathways across admixed populations
Tiedemann Janina The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Tober-Lau Pinkus The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Tomsic Jerneja Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Tsialta Ioanna Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Ulas Thomas The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Vaidya Anup TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
van Uelft Martina The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Venters Bryan J TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Veraksa Dasha Spatial transcriptomic analysis of triple-negative breast cancer occurring during pregnancy and post-involution.
A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Vierstra Jeff A comprehensive, high-resolution index of human regulatory DNA and functional genetic variation
Vishnu Udayakumar S. Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Vojtasova Dominika The impact of sleep deprivation on genome regulation in dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
Wang Siyuan A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Functional genomics in the pangenome era
Weake Vikki The essential metabolic enzyme, S-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY), is oxidatively modified under oxidative stress conditions in the Drosophila eye resulting in the perturbed one-carbon metabolism.
Weinzapfel Ellen Epigenomic profiling of primary cells with autoCUT&RUN
Weng Andrew Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Orchestrates Sequential Binding of Key Transcription Factors in Immunity and Restricts Aggressive Lymphoma
Williams Louise E5hmC-seq enables direct detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution
TEM-seq: ultra-sensitive multiomics link chromatin features and DNA methylation
Witzenrath Martin The life-saving benefit of dexamethasone in severe COVID-19 is linked to a reversal of monocyte dysregulation
Xu Shuang-yong Distinct structural and functional heterochromatin partitioning of lamin B1 and B2 in mammalian cells
Neural circuit organization and function, and applications of single-cell genomics and epigenomics
Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Yamada-Saito Tetsuya Development of the mammalian cerebellum through an evolutionary lens.
Yan Jian The Role of CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein beta (CEBPB) in Type 2 Diabetes
Yang Tianqi A genome-wide single-cell 3D genome atlas of lung cancer progression
Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Yue Feng GATA6, a novel regulator of 3D genome organization in colorectal cancer
Zabaleta Jovanny A Spatial and cellular landscape of triple negative breast cancer
Zack Donald A general framework for inferring progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics from retrospective lineage barcoding
Zemke Nathan Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Zeng Hongkui Cell type organization of the mammalian brain
Single-Cell Analysis of Aging-Associated Gene Regulatory Programs in the Human Hippocampus
Zhang Kun A multi-omics cell atlas of kidney
The Role of CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein beta (CEBPB) in Type 2 Diabetes
Zhou Ge scRNAsequencing characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes
A high altitude experiment-in-nature in humans: role of non-coding RNA
Zhu Quan Integrative single-cell analyses reveal a spatial organization program directing the formation of cellular communities in the developing human heart