Aherrahrou Zouhair |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
Ajò Alessandro |
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Albornoz Eduardo |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Therapeutic inhibition of complement C5aR1 is neuroprotective in Parkinson’s disease preclincal models
Alkhateeb Haya |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Alo Bekas |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Andersen Gregers |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
Cryo-EM analysis of complement C3 reveals a reversible major opening of the macroglobulin ring
Andrade Gabriela |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Angelidou1 Artemis |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Antoniadou Christina |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Aponte Rafael |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Arepally Gowthami |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Armento Angela |
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Understanding the effects of ARMS2 and its AMD risk variant A69S on extracellular matrix and complement system
Analysing and targeting complement activity in age related macula degeneration of the eye
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
Artero Mikel |
In situ Complementomics reveals pathological intracellular action of complement C3 in diseases affecting the kidney
Barbai Veronika |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Baz Morelli Adriana |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Bechtler Clément |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Beining Max |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Bencze Dániel |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Berthenet Kevin |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Binder Christoph J. |
Complement control in chronic inflammation and atherosclerosis
Bishop Paul |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Blom Anna |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Borsa Nicolo |
Immune complex glomerulonephritis and C3 glomerulopathy in 2024 – state of the art
Bosmann Markus |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Bottazzi Barbara |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Boudhabhay Idris |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
In situ Complementomics reveals pathological intracellular action of complement C3 in diseases affecting the kidney
Bovin Lone |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Boyle Aimee |
selection and characterization of a peptide-based complement activator
Bracke Laura |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Bradyanova Silviya |
C1q-mimiking scFv fragments binding anti-C1q autoantibodies modulate disease progression in MRL/lpr mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Brekke Ole |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Brenner Michael |
Granzyme K activates a new complement pathway
Brouwer Mieke |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Bubeck Doryen |
Regulating the complement membrane attack complex
Butler Samuel |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Campbell Joshua |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Carriero Roberta |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Celik Selvi |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Chaudhuri Suhnrita |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Chavakis Triantafyllos |
Bone-marrow mediated trained immunity
Cianchi Virginia |
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Ciullo Lorella |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Clark Simon J. |
Analysing and targeting complement activity in age related macula degeneration of the eye
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Colineau Lucie |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Connolly E. Sander |
Complement Activity in Emboli Retrieved During Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke
Connolly Jr. E. Sander |
Complement Activity in Emboli Retrieved During Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke
Criss Alison |
Complement C5b-C8 and C5b-C9 membrane attack complexes differentially potentiate antimicrobial activity against drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Cserhalmi Marcell |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Csincsi Ádám |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Daha1 Mohamed R. |
The association of the complotype with on long-term outcome in kidney transplantation
Dambra Monica |
The role of complement in pancreatic cancer: from complement activation triggering and effector mechanism/s to combination with classical therapies
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
De Cola Luisa |
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
de Deus Marina |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
de la Cerda Berta |
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
De Winter Karen |
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Dekkers Gillian |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Delaere Jolien |
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Delahaye Tim |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Desai Jigar |
The Roles of Complement C3 and C5 in Pulmonary Antifungal Immunity
Deschatelets Pascal |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Dettner Alina |
Does C2b have a role in inflammation?
Dias Erika |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Didangelos Athanasios |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Dimitrov Jordan |
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Donado Carlos |
Granzyme K activates a new complement pathway
Dopler Arthur |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Doychinova Irini |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
Duan Huiquan |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Dudek Markus |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Eitel Ingo |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
Emblem Åse |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Emery-Billcliff Peter |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Ewert Svenja |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Farouqa Jad |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Felsch Jannes |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Fernandez-Godino Rosario |
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
Ferrando-Miguel Rosa |
Titration of the biological activities Anaphylatoxins using reporter cell lines
Foco Luisa |
Genome-wide association screening of complement activation – data from a general population study
Gaboriaud Christine |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Gadeberg Trine |
Cryo-EM analysis of complement C3 reveals a reversible major opening of the macroglobulin ring
Gadotti Ana Carolina |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Garcia Brandon |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Insights into the molecular basis for inhibition of the classical pathway by C1 esterase inhibitor
Garlanda Cecilia |
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
The role of complement in pancreatic cancer: from complement activation triggering and effector mechanism/s to combination with classical therapies
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Garrigues Ryan |
Insights into the molecular basis for inhibition of the classical pathway by C1 esterase inhibitor
Garrison Matthew |
Insights into the molecular basis for inhibition of the classical pathway by C1 esterase inhibitor
Gavriilidis Efstratios |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Geisbrecht Brian |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Germanidis Georgios |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Ghebrehiwet Berhane |
The role of C1q and gC1qR as a novel checkpoint in cancer
Giridharan Thejaswini |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Gobbo Emilie |
Titration of the biological activities Anaphylatoxins using reporter cell lines
Gragoll Carolin |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
Green Rachel |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Grioni Andrea |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Grizzi Fabio |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Grønli Renathe |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Guido Poli |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Gytz Heidi |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Hack Erik |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
Hajishengallis George |
Maladaptive trained immunity and chronic inflammation
Halbgebauer Rebecca |
Is there a bright side of complement after trauma?
Hamers Sebastiaan |
selection and characterization of a peptide-based complement activator
Hammad Hani |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Hardy Matthew |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Harris Dalia |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Haspeslagh Eline |
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Herdendorf Timothy |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Holers Michael |
The association of the complotype with on long-term outcome in kidney transplantation
Huber-Lang Markus |
Does C2b have a role in inflammation?
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Is there a bright side of complement after trauma?
Ikkert Oksana |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Jaillon Sebastien |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Jarboui Mohamed |
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Jayaraman Archana |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Joakimsen Ingrid |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Jongerius Ilse |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Jonsson Anna |
Granzyme K activates a new complement pathway
Józsi Mihály |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Jørgensen Martin |
Cryo-EM analysis of complement C3 reveals a reversible major opening of the macroglobulin ring
Karlsen Baard |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Karmash Oleksandr |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Kavian-Tessler Niloufar |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Keefe Dennis |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Kemper Claudia |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Khan ANM Nazmul |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Khandelwal Sanjay |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
King Ben |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Klint Cecilia |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Kolev Martin |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Kollins Dmitrij |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Kotsakis Georgios |
The inflammatory landscape in peri-implantitis and host modulation therapeutic opportunities
Kousik Hrishi |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Kozma Viktoria |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Kronenberg Florian |
Genome-wide association screening of complement activation – data from a general population study
Kuijpers Taco |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Kulak Klaudia |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Kulkarni Devesha |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Complement in chronic allograft dysfunction after lung transplantation
Kuska Katarzyna |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Lallemand Christophe |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Lamb Evan |
Complement C5b-C8 and C5b-C9 membrane attack complexes differentially potentiate antimicrobial activity against drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Lambris John |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Expanding the therapeutic scope of complement C3 inhibition: new paradigms and opportunities
Lamers Christina |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Lau Corinna |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Laursen Nick |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Lee Rebecca |
Expanding the therapeutic scope of complement C3 inhibition: new paradigms and opportunities
Li Ping |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Lin Feng |
Development of C3 humanized rats as preclinical models for evaluating novel human C3-targeted therapeutics
Lionakis Michail |
The Roles of Complement C3 and C5 in Pulmonary Antifungal Immunity
Lysetskiy Mykola |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Magrini Elena |
The role of complement in pancreatic cancer: from complement activation triggering and effector mechanism/s to combination with classical therapies
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Mannes Marco |
Is there a bright side of complement after trauma?
Does C2b have a role in inflammation?
Manoylov Iliyan |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
Mantovani Alberto |
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
The role of complement in pancreatic cancer: from complement activation triggering and effector mechanism/s to combination with classical therapies
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Mapelli Sarah |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Mastellos Dimitrios |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Expanding the therapeutic scope of complement C3 inhibition: new paradigms and opportunities
Matola Alexandra |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Maziarz Karolina |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
McGray AJ Robert |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
McKay Marina |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Merchiers Pascal |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Meri Seppo |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Merle Nicolas |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Analysing and targeting complement activity in age related macula degeneration of the eye
Mihaylova Nikolina |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
C1q-mimiking scFv fragments binding anti-C1q autoantibodies modulate disease progression in MRL/lpr mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Minery Berenguer Andrea |
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Minute Luna |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Mizgerd Joseph |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Mollnes Tom |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Monecke Thomas |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Monte Alegre Julia |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Moreno-Amaral Andrea |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Munye Mustafa |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Nabizadeh Jamileh |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Nair Anup |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Natsi Anastasia-Maria |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Nester Carla |
Immune complex glomerulonephritis and C3 glomerulopathy in 2024 – state of the art
Niessing Dierk |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Nilsson Camilla |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Noce Damia |
Genome-wide association screening of complement activation – data from a general population study
Olesen Heidi |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
Ozanturk Ayse |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Pagani Isabel |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Panagides Nadya |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Pannecoucke Erwin |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
Papadimitriou Evangelos |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Papp Alexandra |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Pasqualini Fabio |
Complement activation sustains tumor progression and invasiveness in human and mouse CRC
Patel Nakul |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Pattaro Cristian |
Genome-wide association screening of complement activation – data from a general population study
Pedersen Dennis |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Pedotti Mattia |
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Persson Emma |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Pettersen Kristin |
Combined complement C3 and CD14 inhibition efficiently reduce the E. coli-induced thromboinflammation in human whole blood in the absence and presence of antibiotics
Pezone Giovanni |
The role of complement in pancreatic cancer: from complement activation triggering and effector mechanism/s to combination with classical therapies
Pio Ruben |
Complement-related proteins for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response in cancer
Pisarenka Sofiya |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Plüss Carla |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Polu Krishna |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Poppelaars Felix |
The association of the complotype with on long-term outcome in kidney transplantation
Pouw Richard |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Powers Glenn |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Qamar Ali |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Ralchev Nikola |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
C1q-mimiking scFv fragments binding anti-C1q autoantibodies modulate disease progression in MRL/lpr mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Expression and activation of intracellular complement (complosome) in human and murine stem cells – novel view on the biology of stem cells.
Rawish Elias |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
Revel Margot |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
In situ Complementomics reveals pathological intracellular action of complement C3 in diseases affecting the kidney
Rezola Artero Mikel |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Ricklin Daniel |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Decommissioning the initiators: Therapeutic Interference in the early activation steps of the complement response
Risitano Antonio |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
History of a success: setting proximal complement inhibitors as new treatment paradigm for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
History of a success: setting proximal complement inhibitors as new treatment paradigm for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Ritis Konstantinos |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Rodo Jordi |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Rohlik Denise |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Rolfe Barbara |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Rombaut Ans |
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
Roumenina Lubka |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
In situ Complementomics reveals pathological intracellular action of complement C3 in diseases affecting the kidney
Rowe Tony |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Roy Sourav |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Rusack Timo |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
Savukoski Susa |
Does C2b have a role in inflammation?
Schmidt Christoph |
Does C2b have a role in inflammation?
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Schneider Michael |
Targeting the Hypothalamic Complement System: A Novel Approach to Combatting Obesity
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Schubart Anna |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Schuhmann Imelda |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Schwenkert Michael |
Elucidating Complement Activation Mechanisms in AAV Gene Therapy: Development of a Novel ELISA-Based Assay for Enhanced Safety and Efficacy
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
Seelen Marc A. |
The association of the complotype with on long-term outcome in kidney transplantation
Segal Brahm H. |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Sen Merve |
Understanding the effects of ARMS2 and its AMD risk variant A69S on extracellular matrix and complement system
Analysing and targeting complement activity in age related macula degeneration of the eye
Sfyroera Georgia |
Expanding the therapeutic scope of complement C3 inhibition: new paradigms and opportunities
Shalai Yaryna |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Sharp Thomas |
selection and characterization of a peptide-based complement activator
Structure determination of complement initiation ‘caught in the act’
Shinkov Alexander |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
Shoibonov Batozhab |
A method to determine the inhibitor potential of the blood to predict uncontrolled activation of the complement system
Shukla Arun |
Molecular insights into activation and signaling of the complement anaphylatoxin receptors
Sichau Jannik |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Sironi Marina |
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Skendros Panagiotis |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Slaby Julia |
Protective functions of cytosolic C3 in pancreatic beta cells.
Smith Richard |
Renin in C3 Glomerulopathy by SomaScan
Immune complex glomerulonephritis and C3 glomerulopathy in 2024 – state of the art
Sonderegger Stefan |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Sonntag Inga |
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
Stewart Chelsea |
The Role of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in a Murine Glioblastoma Model
Stravalaci Matteo |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Suzuki Sora |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Szakács Dávid |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Talati Khushi |
Obesity and metabolic health shapes mucosal complement responses
Taylor Amanda |
Immune complex glomerulonephritis and C3 glomerulopathy in 2024 – state of the art
Tchorbanov Andrey |
Selective suppression of pathogenic B lymphocytes from Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients by chimeric protein molecules
C1q-mimiking scFv fragments binding anti-C1q autoantibodies modulate disease progression in MRL/lpr mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Theisen Erin |
Granzyme K activates a new complement pathway
Thurman Joshua M. |
The association of the complotype with on long-term outcome in kidney transplantation
Tozoni Sara |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Tsacheva Ivanka |
C1q-mimiking scFv fragments binding anti-C1q autoantibodies modulate disease progression in MRL/lpr mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Tsironidou Victoria |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Ueffing Marius |
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Understanding the effects of ARMS2 and its AMD risk variant A69S on extracellular matrix and complement system
Analysing and targeting complement activity in age related macula degeneration of the eye
Investigating the impact of complement sources and Complement Factor H (CFH) Y402H polymorphism on the stress response of iPSC-RPE cells
Umnyakova Ekaterina |
The crystal structure of the Factor H-recruiting peptide 5C6 in complex with Factor H domains 8-14 demonstrates an unprecedented domain arrangement in Factor H and allows for rational optimisation of the 5C6 peptide
Uzonyi Barbara |
The complex complement modulatory role of the human factor H-related proteins
Valentin Marie-Anne |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling
Vallette Benoit |
Comprehensive Immunogenicity Analysis of AAV Therapies: Correlating Anti-AAV Antibodies (NAbs/TAbs) with Complement Activation Dynamics
van Beek Anna |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Van de Walle Inge |
Structure-function analysis of ARGX-117, a calcium- and pH-dependent clinical phase complement C2 blocking antibody
The story of empasiprubart (ARGX-117), an inhibitory C2 antibody with sweeping properties, from healthy volunteers to three phase 2 proof-of-concept studies
van Mierlo Gerard |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Varani Luca |
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Vicenzi Elisa |
Use of the RNA Technology for the therapy of infectious diseases based on humoral innate immunity molecules
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Vogt Stephanie |
Towards cyclic peptides targeting the complement system
Von Spitzenbergen Beatriz Akemi |
Dynamic changes in Cytokines and Complement biomarkers during COVID-19: Implications for disease severity and outcomes.
Walachowski Sarah |
Concomitant deficiency of C5aR1 and C5aR2 drives neutrophil dysregulation resulting in increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Walker John |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Whalley Pamela |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Wilkinson Ashley |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Winkler Mikael |
BiCE™ – An antibody platform to potentiate complement activation for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Wohlgemuth Lisa |
Is there a bright side of complement after trauma?
Woodruff Trent |
Therapeutic inhibition of complement C5aR1 is neuroprotective in Parkinson’s disease preclincal models
Wouters Diana |
Anti-FHR-1 antibodies reacting against domain 18 of complement factor H have opposing effects on its function; implications for therapeutic enhancement of FH
Würzner Reinhard |
Genome-wide association screening of complement activation – data from a general population study
CORVOS (2019-2024) – facilitating more PhD student exchanges and working towards a European Complement PhD
Wymann Sandra |
Complement pathway inhibition by LHR domain-based duplication variants of Complement Receptor 1.
Xu Xin |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Yancopoulou Despina |
C3 targeting with AMY-101 diminishes IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis in severe COVID-19
Expanding the therapeutic scope of complement C3 inhibition: new paradigms and opportunities
Zamiri Parisa |
Nonclinical evaluation of CTx001, a gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy in aged-related macular degeneration
Zarantonello Alessandra |
Intracellular C1r promotes kidney cancer progression
Intracellular complement FH promotes renal cancer by modulation of the cell cycle and energy metabolism in fibroblasts and tumour cells
Zhang Yuzhou |
Renin in C3 Glomerulopathy by SomaScan
Immune complex glomerulonephritis and C3 glomerulopathy in 2024 – state of the art
Zhong Hang |
Roles of PTX3 in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 via macrophage phagocytosis of infected epithelial cells
Development of mannose binding lectin as therapeutic agent in COVID-19
Zhou Hinman |
Inhibition of the C1s Protease and the Classical Complement Pathway by
6-(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboximidamide and Chemical Analogs
Zsiros Emese |
Complement signaling as an immune checkpoint in the ovarian cancer microenvironment
Zub Anastasiia |
Further insights into iptacopan mode of action in IgA nephropathy through protein profiling