Singh Vikash |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
- Lagorgette |
PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
A Bogdanova |
PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
Ahmed Afsar |
Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Almasabi Saleh |
Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Amit Ido |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Anderson Robin |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Andrea Richard |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Arazi Eden |
Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Assenmacher Charles-Antoine |
Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Astsaturov Igor |
The role of dietary carbohydrates and insulin in hepatic inflammation
Atherton Matthew |
Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Atukorale Prabhani |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Auberger Patrick |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Babadei Olga |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Babon Jeffery |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Balyasnikova Irina |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Barátová Magdaléna |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Barriga Francisco |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Barsky Gay |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Bartošová Mária |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Baslan Timour |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Behren Andreas |
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Bersudsky Marina |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Bhalerao Nikita |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Bicher Sandra |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Bidgood Grace |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Bielawska Anna |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Bielawski Krzysztof |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Blanco Andreas |
Forward genetic screening incolorectal cancer organoids identifies novel regulators of metastasis
Bolotin Elijah |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Borden Katherine |
Disrupted RNA metabolism in Cancer
Boulakirba sonia |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Bradford Richard |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Brigita Brigita |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Broughton Sophie |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Burrows Allan |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Buynov Nikolay |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Bykova Katrina |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Carruthers Nicholas |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Castelli Sofia |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Castillo Gerardo |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Chadwick Thomas |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Chahine Kamil |
Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Chaintreuil Paul |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Chan KokFei |
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Chen Ceshi |
Krupple-like Factor 5 (KLF5) Transcription Factor Promotes Basal Type Breast Cancer through Cytokines FGF-BP1 and IGFL1
Stressing Out Immune-Cold Triple-negative Breast Cancers
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Chibaya Loretah |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Cholak Meghan |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Chou Margaret |
Jekyll or Hyde: Leveraging the Ubiquitin-specific protease 6 (USP6) Oncogene for Therapeutic Benefit
Chowdhury Priyanka |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Ciccarelli Francesca |
Interplay between genetics and inflammation in the initiation of oesophageal cancer
Ciudad Teresa |
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Cooks Tomer |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Cosgrove Cormac |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Csáderová Lucia |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Cuzzupe Ruth |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Cybulski Marcin |
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Da Gama Duarte Jessica |
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Dagley Laura |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
PP2C Phosphatases - Terminators of Suicidal Thoughts
David Eyal |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
De Marco Kelly |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Decker Thomas |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Dehkhoda Farhad |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Del Priore Isabella |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Demidov Oleg |
PP2C Phosphatases - Terminators of Suicidal Thoughts
Dhagat Urmi |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Dhamdhere Mayura |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Dhiantravan Silpol |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
DiBona June |
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Dick John |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Dickins Ross |
Therapeutics targeting the CD80:PD-L1 duplex modulate T cell immunity
Diehl J. Alan |
Ubiquitin-dependent degradation of cyclin D3 is a barrier for myeloproliferative neoplasms
Djouwoug Clarice Noussi |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Dov Alona |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Dovat Sinisa |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Du Wayne |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Eissmann Moritz |
Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Elena Voronov |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Eliahu Tamar |
Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Ernst Matthias |
Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Eruslanov Evgeniy |
Dual role of trogocytosis mediated by human tumor-associated macrophages and neutrophils in the regulation of anti-tumor antibody efficacy
F. Gonzalez Santiago |
Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Fan Yi |
Endothelial cell-derived cytokines and cancer immunotherapy
Farlik Matthias |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Finck Amanda |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Finiuk Nataliya |
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Fischer Katrin |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Fish Eleanor |
Lessons learned from interferons and viruses
Foley Caitlin |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Freestone David |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Fuchs Serge |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Cytokine-based approaches to normalizing the tumor microenvironment
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Fujimura Yoshinori |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Gacek Serena |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Gamero Ana |
Inflammatory role of STAT2 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Gebhardt Thomas |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Geetha Aarathy |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Goia Denisa |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Goldshtein Oron |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Goodman Craig |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Gornowicz Agnieszka |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Gough Daniel |
The role of tumour intrinsic inflammasome mutations in lung adenocarcinoma.
Gowda Chethana |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Grant Christa |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Gregorevic Paul |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Guerra Rebecca |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Guertin David |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Gui Jun |
The crosstalk between FGF21 and T cell lipid metabolism
Guo Wei |
Exosomes in Immune Suppression and Tumor Progression
Hagg Adam |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Harari Daniel |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Hart Timothy |
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Hatakeyama Yui |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
He Wei |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Hercus Timothy |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Ho Yu-Jui |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Hockings Colin |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Huber Anne |
Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Huleihel Mahmoud |
Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Hung Vincent |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Jablonska Jadwiga |
Stat3 deficient neutrophils hinder the growth and dissemination of tumors
Jacquel Arnaud |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Jaishankar Dinesh |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
James Lauren |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Jin Robbie |
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Johnson Calvin |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
June Carl |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Kahn Laura |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Kan Winnie |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Kane Griffin |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Karagiannis Chris |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Karakas Didem |
eEF2 Kinase signaling drives pancreatic tumor growth and induces protumorigenic tumor microenvironment: A Novel Molecular Target
Kaufmann Kerstin |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Kearney Conor |
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Keating Narelle |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Keller Faith |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Kerreneur Emeline |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Kershaw Nadia |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Khaleel Bara'ah |
Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Kim Michele |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Klay Meredith |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Klyuchivska Olha |
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Korobkina Ekaterina |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Koromilas Antonis |
Metabolic and pro-survival functions of Stat1 in mutant KRAS cancers
Kortylewski Marcin |
Oligonucleotide-based glioma immunotherapy: the Goldilock’s dilemma
Koumenis Constantinos |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Kozak Yuliia |
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Kremer Richard |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Krishnamohan Mathumathi |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Krzeczynski Piotr |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Kumazoe Motofumi |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Lamaze Christophe |
Plasma Membrane Nano-partitioning, Endosomal Sorting, and Mechanical Stress: Key Players in the Selectivity of JAK/STAT Signaling by Interferons.
Lamorte Sara |
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Le Poole I. Caroline |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Lenz Jennifer |
Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Lesyk Roman |
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Li Li |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Lim Tristan |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Linossi Edmond |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Liu Yan |
Inflammatory stress promotes the progression of TP53-mutant clonal hematopoiesis to myeloid neoplasms during aging
Multifaceted Function of IL-37 in the Tumor Microenvironment
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Lopez Angel |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Lu Zhen |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Lukáčiková Ľubomíra |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Lunenfeld Eitan |
Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Luo Tina YuXuan |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Machluf-Katz Esther |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Marie Julien |
Cytokines and T lymphocytes in chronic inflammation associated cancers
Mazzieri Roberta |
A novel monocyte-based cell therapy for the tumour targeted delivery of IFN-alpha
McDonald Christian Matthew |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
McGaha Tracy |
The microbiome and regulation of immunity in pancreatic cancer
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Michalak Olga |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Mielke Lisa |
Cytokines and Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Function in Colorectal Cancer
Minn Andy |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Mishra Lopa |
Gut Microbiome and Immune/Metabolic Perturbations in Obesity-driven Cancer
Molina Romero Daniel |
Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Möller Andreas |
Regulation of immune cell responses through cytokines and extracellular vesicles
Morral Clara |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Morris Rhiannon |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Mouchemore Kellie |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Moutafis Alexandra |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Müller Mathias |
A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Murphy Katherine |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
N Demidov |
PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
Na Wanying |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Nero Tracy |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Neufeld Luke |
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Nicholson Sandra |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Nikiforov Mikhail |
Intracellular GTP gradients is a major mechanism regulating G-proteins activity in cancer
Nishimoto-Ashfield Akiko |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Nojiri Takashi |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Norgard Robert |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Nunez del Prado Zelmira |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Ogoti Yamini |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Oliaei Motlagh Seyyedeh Azar |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Onda Hiroaki |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Osinzov Anton |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Pandey Surya |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Parikh Chaitanya Naimesh |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Parish Ian |
Ikaros family transcription factors cooperatively enforce T cell exhaustion and restrain CAR T cell efficacy
Park Elizabeth |
Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Parker Michael |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Restoring cytokine signalling in bone metastases to enhance therapeutic sensitivity
Pastorek Jaromír |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Patel Bhakti |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Pavlakis George |
Increasing the metabolic fitness of TILs by IL15 to treat tumors and metastatic disease
Peng Brandon |
Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Peura Jessica |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Pineda Josue |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Pitarresi Jason |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Platanias Leonidas |
Targeting elements of the interferon pathway in the treatment of malignancies
Przychodzen Bartlomiej |
Selective ASO-based JAK2 inhibitor for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders
Puré Ellen |
Targeting stroma to normalize the tumor microenvironment
Putt Mary |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Qian Hongwei |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Qiao Youwei |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Quevedo Rene |
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Radaelli Enrico |
Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Reich-Zeliger Shlomit |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Ren Tengfei |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Režuchová Ingeborg |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Riba Morgan |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Ringenberg Michael |
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Robbins Stephen |
Role of the dual function cytokine IL-33 in glioma progression and control.
Robert Guillaume |
Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Roy-Ghanta Sumita |
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Ruscetti Marcus |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Applying lessons learned from senescence-mediated cytokine signaling mechanisms to cancer therapy
Saunders Alastair |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Schmidt Hank |
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Schneider Sarah |
Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Schreiber Gideon |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Sedláková Olga |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Senger Donna |
Role of the dual function cytokine IL-33 in glioma progression and control.
Sharma Arati |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Shembade Noula |
The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Shi Yonghong |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Shivde Rohan |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Silvennoinen Olli |
Therapeutic targeting of JAK kinases
Siurala Mikko |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Škvarková Lucia |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Sleebs Brad |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Smieszek Sandra |
Selective ASO-based JAK2 inhibitor for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders
Sohail Noor |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Spaner David |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Spiegelman Vladimir |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Stalin Sami |
Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Strapcová Sabína |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Su BoYang |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Sundstrom Jeffrey |
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Švastová Eliška |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Szymanowski Wojciech |
Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Tachibana Hirofumi |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Tan Cyrus |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Tanaka Yasutake |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Thakur Aditi |
Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Thomas Daniel |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Defining the estrogen signaling in breast tumor microenvironment
Thomson Rachel |
TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Tiganis Tony |
Targeting JAK/STAT phosphatases in CAR T cell therapy
Tsanov Kaloyan |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Tvorogov Denis |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Uslu Ugur |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Velalopoulou Anastasia |
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Verginadis Ioannis |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Virgilio Tommaso |
Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Volchinsky Vladislav |
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Wang Guizhi |
Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Watowich Stephanie |
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Watson Emma |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Wei Andrew |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Wengyn Maximilian |
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Williams Bryan |
Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Witz Isaac |
The metastatic microenvironment of melanoma brain metastasis
Wu Yuntong |
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Wuest Alexandra |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Xue Wen |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Yao Yao |
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
You Menghao |
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Young Regina |
Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Yu Hua |
CRISPR to target oncogenic fusion gene with precision and efficiency in vitro and in vivo
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Yuan Yukang |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zaidi M. Raza |
Role of Interferon-gamma-induced glycosylation in melanoma
Zaťovičová Miriam |
Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing
anti-tumor immune response
Zeng Andy |
Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Zhang Amy |
Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Zhao Qian |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zheng Zhijing |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zhou Lin |
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Zuo Yibo |
K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling