6th International Conference on Cytokines in Cancer

Authors List

Important: The program online is copyrighted to each author and should not be copied and pasted!
Author Abstracts
Singh Vikash Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
- Lagorgette PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
A Bogdanova PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
Ahmed Afsar Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Almasabi Saleh Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Amit Ido Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Anderson Robin TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Andrea Richard Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Arazi Eden Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Assenmacher Charles-Antoine Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Astsaturov Igor The role of dietary carbohydrates and insulin in hepatic inflammation
Atherton Matthew Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Atukorale Prabhani Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Auberger Patrick Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Babadei Olga A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Babon Jeffery Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Balyasnikova Irina Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Barátová Magdaléna Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Barriga Francisco Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Barsky Gay Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Bartošová Mária Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Baslan Timour Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Behren Andreas Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Bersudsky Marina Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Bhalerao Nikita Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Bicher Sandra Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Bidgood Grace Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Bielawska Anna Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Bielawski Krzysztof Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Blanco Andreas Forward genetic screening incolorectal cancer organoids identifies novel regulators of metastasis
Bolotin Elijah Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Borden Katherine Disrupted RNA metabolism in Cancer
Boulakirba sonia Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Bradford Richard The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Brigita Brigita Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Broughton Sophie Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Burrows Allan TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Buynov Nikolay Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Bykova Katrina Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Carruthers Nicholas Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Castelli Sofia Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Castillo Gerardo Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Chadwick Thomas TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Chahine Kamil Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Chaintreuil Paul Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Chan KokFei Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Chen Ceshi Krupple-like Factor 5 (KLF5) Transcription Factor Promotes Basal Type Breast Cancer through Cytokines FGF-BP1 and IGFL1
Stressing Out Immune-Cold Triple-negative Breast Cancers
Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Chibaya Loretah Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Cholak Meghan Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Chou Margaret Jekyll or Hyde: Leveraging the Ubiquitin-specific protease 6 (USP6) Oncogene for Therapeutic Benefit
Chowdhury Priyanka Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Ciccarelli Francesca Interplay between genetics and inflammation in the initiation of oesophageal cancer
Ciudad Teresa Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Cooks Tomer Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Cosgrove Cormac Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Csáderová Lucia Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Cuzzupe Ruth Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Cybulski Marcin The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Da Gama Duarte Jessica Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Dagley Laura Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
DARIA BOGDANOVA PP2C Phosphatases - Terminators of Suicidal Thoughts
David Eyal Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
De Marco Kelly Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Decker Thomas A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Dehkhoda Farhad Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Del Priore Isabella Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Demidov Oleg PP2C Phosphatases - Terminators of Suicidal Thoughts
Dhagat Urmi Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Dhamdhere Mayura Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Dhiantravan Silpol Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
DiBona June STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Dick John Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Dickins Ross Therapeutics targeting the CD80:PD-L1 duplex modulate T cell immunity
Diehl J. Alan Ubiquitin-dependent degradation of cyclin D3 is a barrier for myeloproliferative neoplasms
Djouwoug Clarice Noussi The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Dov Alona Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Dovat Sinisa Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Du Wayne TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Eissmann Moritz Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Elena Voronov Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Eliahu Tamar Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Ernst Matthias Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Eruslanov Evgeniy Dual role of trogocytosis mediated by human tumor-associated macrophages and neutrophils in the regulation of anti-tumor antibody efficacy
F. Gonzalez Santiago Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Fan Yi Endothelial cell-derived cytokines and cancer immunotherapy
Farlik Matthias A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Finck Amanda Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Finiuk Nataliya Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Fischer Katrin A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Fish Eleanor Lessons learned from interferons and viruses
Foley Caitlin Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Freestone David TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Fuchs Serge Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Cytokine-based approaches to normalizing the tumor microenvironment
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Fujimura Yoshinori Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Gacek Serena Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Gamero Ana Inflammatory role of STAT2 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Gebhardt Thomas TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Geetha Aarathy A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Goia Denisa Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Goldshtein Oron Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Goodman Craig TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Gornowicz Agnieszka Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Gough Daniel The role of tumour intrinsic inflammasome mutations in lung adenocarcinoma.
Gowda Chethana Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Grant Christa Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Gregorevic Paul TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Guerra Rebecca Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Guertin David Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Gui Jun The crosstalk between FGF21 and T cell lipid metabolism
Guo Wei Exosomes in Immune Suppression and Tumor Progression
Hagg Adam TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Harari Daniel Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Hart Timothy STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Hatakeyama Yui Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
He Wei K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Hercus Timothy Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Ho Yu-Jui Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Hockings Colin Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Huber Anne Mutant TP53 switches therapeutic vulnerability during gastric cancer progression within Interleukin-6 family cytokines
Huleihel Mahmoud Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Hung Vincent Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Jablonska Jadwiga Stat3 deficient neutrophils hinder the growth and dissemination of tumors
Jacquel Arnaud Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Jaishankar Dinesh Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
James Lauren TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Jin Robbie Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Johnson Calvin Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
June Carl Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Kahn Laura Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Kan Winnie Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Kane Griffin Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Karagiannis Chris TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Karakas Didem eEF2 Kinase signaling drives pancreatic tumor growth and induces protumorigenic tumor microenvironment: A Novel Molecular Target
Kaufmann Kerstin Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Kearney Conor Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Keating Narelle Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Keller Faith Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Kerreneur Emeline Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Kershaw Nadia Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Khaleel Bara'ah Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Kim Michele Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Klay Meredith Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Klyuchivska Olha Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Korobkina Ekaterina Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Koromilas Antonis Metabolic and pro-survival functions of Stat1 in mutant KRAS cancers
Kortylewski Marcin Oligonucleotide-based glioma immunotherapy: the Goldilock’s dilemma
Koumenis Constantinos Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Kozak Yuliia Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Kremer Richard Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Krishnamohan Mathumathi Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Krzeczynski Piotr Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Kumazoe Motofumi Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Lamaze Christophe Plasma Membrane Nano-partitioning, Endosomal Sorting, and Mechanical Stress: Key Players in the Selectivity of JAK/STAT Signaling by Interferons.
Lamorte Sara Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Le Poole I. Caroline Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Lenz Jennifer Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Lesyk Roman Anti-proliferative effect of novel compounds based on thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles in colorectal DLD-1 carcinoma cells
Li Li Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Mechanisms of resistance against gd T cell mediated tumor cell killing
Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Lim Tristan Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Linossi Edmond Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Liu Yan Inflammatory stress promotes the progression of TP53-mutant clonal hematopoiesis to myeloid neoplasms during aging
Multifaceted Function of IL-37 in the Tumor Microenvironment
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Lopez Angel Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Lu Zhen Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Lukáčiková Ľubomíra Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Lunenfeld Eitan Effect of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cytarabine on the presence/intensity of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in mouse testicular cells; possible regulation by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Luo Tina YuXuan Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Machluf-Katz Esther Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Marie Julien Cytokines and T lymphocytes in chronic inflammation associated cancers
Mazzieri Roberta A novel monocyte-based cell therapy for the tumour targeted delivery of IFN-alpha
McDonald Christian Matthew The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
McGaha Tracy The microbiome and regulation of immunity in pancreatic cancer
Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Michalak Olga Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
The influence of novel ursolic acid derivatives on IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Mielke Lisa Cytokines and Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Function in Colorectal Cancer
Minn Andy Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Mishra Lopa Gut Microbiome and Immune/Metabolic Perturbations in Obesity-driven Cancer
Molina Romero Daniel Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Möller Andreas Regulation of immune cell responses through cytokines and extracellular vesicles
Morral Clara Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Morris Rhiannon Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Mouchemore Kellie TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Moutafis Alexandra The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Müller Mathias A new Look at Macrophage Activation
Murphy Katherine Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
N Demidov PP2C family phosphatases regulate multiple cell death pathways induced by TNF signaling.
Na Wanying Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Nero Tracy Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Neufeld Luke Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Nicholson Sandra Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Nikiforov Mikhail Intracellular GTP gradients is a major mechanism regulating G-proteins activity in cancer
Nishimoto-Ashfield Akiko Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Nojiri Takashi Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Norgard Robert Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Nunez del Prado Zelmira The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Ogoti Yamini Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Oliaei Motlagh Seyyedeh Azar Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Onda Hiroaki Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Osinzov Anton Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Pandey Surya Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Parikh Chaitanya Naimesh Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Parish Ian Ikaros family transcription factors cooperatively enforce T cell exhaustion and restrain CAR T cell efficacy
Park Elizabeth Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Parker Michael Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Restoring cytokine signalling in bone metastases to enhance therapeutic sensitivity
Pastorek Jaromír Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Patel Bhakti Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Pavlakis George Increasing the metabolic fitness of TILs by IL15 to treat tumors and metastatic disease
Peng Brandon Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Peura Jessica Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Pineda Josue Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Pitarresi Jason Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Platanias Leonidas Targeting elements of the interferon pathway in the treatment of malignancies
Przychodzen Bartlomiej Selective ASO-based JAK2 inhibitor for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders
Puré Ellen Targeting stroma to normalize the tumor microenvironment
Putt Mary Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Qian Hongwei TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Qiao Youwei Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Quevedo Rene Medullary sinus macrophages limit cancer therapy efficacy by an efferocytosis-induced IL-33/ST2 axis in the tumor-draining lymph node.
Radaelli Enrico Comparative studies of osteopontin as a candidate immune suppressor in histiocytic sarcoma
Reich-Zeliger Shlomit Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Ren Tengfei K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Režuchová Ingeborg Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Riba Morgan Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Ringenberg Michael STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Robbins Stephen Role of the dual function cytokine IL-33 in glioma progression and control.
Robert Guillaume Limiting Macrophage Pro-Tumor Response in cancer by Targeting CTSB and non-Apoptotic Caspase-8
Roy-Ghanta Sumita STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Ruscetti Marcus Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Applying lessons learned from senescence-mediated cytokine signaling mechanisms to cancer therapy
Saunders Alastair TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Schmidt Hank STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Schneider Sarah Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Schreiber Gideon Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Sedláková Olga Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Senger Donna Role of the dual function cytokine IL-33 in glioma progression and control.
Sharma Arati Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Shembade Noula The role of type I IFN in the regulation of KSHV infection
Shi Yonghong Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Shivde Rohan Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Silvennoinen Olli Therapeutic targeting of JAK kinases
Siurala Mikko Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Škvarková Lucia Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Sleebs Brad Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Smieszek Sandra Selective ASO-based JAK2 inhibitor for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders
Sohail Noor Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Spaner David Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Spiegelman Vladimir Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Stalin Sami Inhibition of IL-1β induced inflammation improves prognosis of CRC-bearing mice
Strapcová Sabína Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Su BoYang Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Sundstrom Jeffrey Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Švastová Eliška Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Szymanowski Wojciech Proapoptotic activity of ursolic derivatives in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Tachibana Hirofumi Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Tan Cyrus Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Tanaka Yasutake Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Thakur Aditi Cytokine release differentiates responses to CAR T cells or BiTEs targeting melanoma
Thomas Daniel Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Defining the estrogen signaling in breast tumor microenvironment
Thomson Rachel TGF-β1 induces metastatic colonization to skeletal muscle in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer
Tiganis Tony Targeting JAK/STAT phosphatases in CAR T cell therapy
Tsanov Kaloyan Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Tvorogov Denis Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Uslu Ugur Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Velalopoulou Anastasia Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Verginadis Ioannis Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Differential Activation of Interferon Signaling Pathways Underlies Improved Preservation of Intestinal Normal Tissues following FLASH Radiotherapy
Virgilio Tommaso Dissemination routes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma shape differently the immune response to cancer invasion in secondary lymphoid organs.
Volchinsky Vladislav Type I Interferon accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Wang Guizhi Activation of interferon-signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by the NFkB inhibitor anakinra
Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles-mediated neuroblastoma metastasis
Watowich Stephanie Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Understanding host-microbiome communication affecting checkpoint blockade response and toxicity
Watson Emma Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Wei Andrew Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Wengyn Maximilian Tumor-secreted PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer cachexia
Williams Bryan Targeting integrin-linked kinase in colon tumorigenesis
Witz Isaac The metastatic microenvironment of melanoma brain metastasis
Wu Yuntong Ring Finger Protein 169 binds to the SOCS2-SH2 exosite to allosterically enhance SH2 binding to phosphorylated ligands
Wuest Alexandra Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Xue Wen Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Yao Yao Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
You Menghao Therapeutic potential of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide cytokines
Use of long-acting c-type natriuretic peptide for solid tumor therapies
Young Regina Potentiating CAR T cell therapy through synthetic IL-9R signaling
Yu Hua CRISPR to target oncogenic fusion gene with precision and efficiency in vitro and in vivo
STING agonist immunotherapy and cytokine release syndrome in dogs with spontaneously occurring cancer
Yuan Yukang K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zaidi M. Raza Role of Interferon-gamma-induced glycosylation in melanoma
Zaťovičová Miriam Targeting CAIX in pancreatic cancer leads to changes in cytokine production, enhancing anti-tumor immune response
Zeng Andy Cytokine Receptor Stoichiometry Regulates Cell Fate
Zhang Amy Chromosome 9p21.3 coordinates cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppression
Zhao Qian K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zheng Zhijing K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling
Zhou Lin Modulating the immunosuppressive pancreas tumor microenvironment through intratumoral delivery of cytokine-encoding mRNAs
Immune-derived inflammation in a microbiota-dependent model of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis
Zuo Yibo K29-linked ubiquitination of IRF9 regulates the strength of type-I interferon signaling