Aird Eric |
An SP110 / SP100 regulatory axis that controls innate immunity stimulation
Alicata Claudia |
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Andriopoulou Theano |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Antonucci Laura |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Ardavin Carlos |
Response of resident peritoneal macrophages to infection and tumor metastasis
Arnold Christina |
Macrophages in drug discovery
Asgari Fatemeth |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Asselta Rosanna |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Aversa-Marnai Marcio |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Axarlis Konstantinos |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
Baer de Oliveira Mann Carina |
An orthogonal Approach to test the Relevance of ADP-ribosylation in Antiviral Immunity
Bakke Siril |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Banerjee Priyanka |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Barbaglio Federica |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Barbier Camille |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Bartlett Stacey |
Oxidised cholesterols drive macrophage infiltration into the lung during bacterial and viral respiratory infections
Baumgartner Johanna |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Baydemir Ilayda |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Becker Jorunn |
Modulation of STING signaling changes outcomes of acute kidney injury
Belmonte Beatrice |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Belser Jessica |
PB2 and NS1 genes of 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus are associated with proinflammatory innate responses in human airway epithelial cells
Belz Gabrielle |
Self-renewing tissue-resident innate cell programs regulate local lung responses
Bennison Daniel |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Bergant Valter |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Bertaina Valentina |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Bertilaccio Maria Teresa |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Besi Francesca |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Biswas Subhra |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Deep phenotyping and immuno-monitoring of human cohorts and myeloid cells in cancer
Bloomfield Marketa |
Aberrant tolerogenic functions and proinflammatory skew of dendritic cells
in STAT1 gain-of-function patients may contribute to autoimmunity and
fungal susceptibility
Bohannon Caitlin |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Bolimowska Oliwia |
The glucocorticoid dexamethasone impairs antiviral effects of interferon-beta in an in vitro model of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Bonavita Eduardo |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Borges Jazlyn |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Bottazzi Barbara |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Brodsky Igor |
Regulation of noncanonical inflammasome assembly
Bruce Caroline |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Brucker Anne |
Modulation of STING signaling changes outcomes of acute kidney injury
Bruggmann Remy |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Brumarova Radana |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Bruno Mariolina |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Bryant Clare |
Lipid regulation of inflammasome activation
Bryson Bryan |
Dissecting the complexity of myeloid cells in TB granulomas
Bugge Marit |
Ex vivo lung model to elucidate host-pathogen interactions in Tuberculosis
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Bulut Özlem |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Caligaris-Cappio Federico |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Calin George |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cano Florencia |
Innate versus adaptive TCR engagement in gamma delta T cell activation
Cao Weiping |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Cardoso Matias |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Cardozo Carmen |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Carnevale Silvia |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Carriero Roberta |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Carrión Federico |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Caruana Ignazio |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Castellano Mauricio |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Cebecauerova Dita |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Celhar Teja |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Chang Chih-Peng |
Rab37 fosters M2 polarization of tumor-associated macrophages via autophagy
Chatzisevastos Stergios |
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Chavakis Triantafyllos |
Immunometabolic circuits in inflammation and innate immunity
Chen Hung-Jen |
The histone demethylase KDM3A modulates macrophage pro-inflammatory phenotype in atherosclerosis
High throughput screen for small molecule inducers of trained immunity
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chiorazzi Nicholas |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chiurchiu Valerio |
Resolution of inflammation is impaired in Parkinson’s disease and is rescued by specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator RvD1 through targeting microglia and brain-infiltrating macrophages
Chouchani Ed |
Systematic discovery of druggable redox switches on immunological proteins
Chowbay Balram |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Chronopoulos Julia |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Ciancaglini Cecilia |
Macrophages regulate ILC2 immune checkpoints expression and responsiveness to tissue-derived signals
Clark Andrew |
The glucocorticoid dexamethasone impairs antiviral effects of interferon-beta in an in vitro model of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Clise-Dwyer Karen |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Coelho Patricia |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Corn Jacob |
An SP110 / SP100 regulatory axis that controls innate immunity stimulation
Costábile Alicia |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Crespo Puig Anna |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Daskalaki Maria |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
Davi Francesca |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
De angelis Biagio |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
de Bree Charlotte |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
de Winther Menno |
The histone demethylase KDM3A modulates macrophage pro-inflammatory phenotype in atherosclerosis
Dejoux Alice |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Del Bufalo Francesca |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Devant Pascal |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Dhillon Manprit |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Di Ceglie Irene |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Dimitrov Vassil |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Ding Jun |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Divangahi Maziar |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
TBA - Maziar Divangahi
Domínguez-Andrés Jorge |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Doni Andrea |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Dorhoi Anca |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Dow Gabriella |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Duarte Iola |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Dukic Jasmina |
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Dutto Jeremias |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Ebbels Tim |
Mining pathway-based molecular networks to integrate and interpret multi-omics data
Ejdebäck Mikael |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Eklund Daniel |
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
El Kasmi Karim |
Senescent cells suppress macrophage-mediated corpse removal via upregulation of the CD47-QPCT/L axis
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Eldridge Matthew |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Ende Zachary |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Espevik Terje |
The assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome require the Rab11-family interacting protein 2
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Esser-Kahn Aaron |
High throughput screen for small molecule inducers of trained immunity
Evavold Charles |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Cellular redox state controls gasdermin D pore formation and pyroptosis
Farhadnia Dorsa |
An orthogonal Approach to test the Relevance of ADP-ribosylation in Antiviral Immunity
Fernandes Ana |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Ferreira Ana |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Filipović Maša |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Fiore Piera |
Different effects of NK cells and NK-derived soluble factors on cell lines derived from primary or metastatic pancreatic cancers
Fjellvær Ida |
Ex vivo lung model to elucidate host-pathogen interactions in Tuberculosis
Flade Karolin |
Modulation of STING signaling changes outcomes of acute kidney injury
Flo Trude |
Ex vivo lung model to elucidate host-pathogen interactions in Tuberculosis
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Florsheim Esther |
Your mind on allergies: a protective mast cell-brain circuit
Folle Ana |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Foo Cheng |
Oxidised cholesterols drive macrophage infiltration into the lung during bacterial and viral respiratory infections
Forbes Shareen |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Freigang Stefan |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Friedecky David |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Gabay Cem |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Galvan Jose |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Gander-Bui Hang |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Gandhi Varsha |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Gangappa Shivaprakash |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Garcia Manuel |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Garlanda Cecilia |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Genitsch Vera |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Ghia Paolo |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Giamarellos-Bourboulis Evangelos |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Gibb Fraser |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Giera Martin |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Gigante Scott |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Gkavogianni Theologia |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Glegola-Madejska Izabela |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Goldammer Tom |
Lost and found: inhibitors of NF-kappaB signalling in fish
Goldenberg Neil |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Gonçalves Rute |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Graham Martinez Cristina |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Granata Valentina |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Grans Mona |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Grass Vincent |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Gravastrand Caroline |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
The assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome require the Rab11-family interacting protein 2
Grčević Danka |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Grieco Giovanna |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Griffith Kayla |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Groh Laszlo |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Guo Zhu |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Hajishengallis George |
Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory disease
Hamad Sabri |
An orthogonal Approach to test the Relevance of ADP-ribosylation in Antiviral Immunity
Hasikova Lenka |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
hatzisevastos Stergios |
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Hayday Adrian |
Innate versus adaptive TCR engagement in gamma delta T cell activation
Herring Matthew |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Hochfelder Jacob |
Macrophage cell state demonstrates limited plasticity under certain gene expression programs
Hoeksema Marten |
EGR1 and EGR2 regulate opposite transcriptional programs in human macrophages
The histone demethylase KDM3A modulates macrophage pro-inflammatory phenotype in atherosclerosis
Honsa Pavel |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Hoogendijk Arie |
Versatile ways to obtain versatile cells: proteomics-based understanding of macrophage priming by environmental signals
Horvath Rudolf |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Horvathova Kristyna |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Howden Andrew |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Howland Shanshan |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Huang Yiqi |
Protein turnover profiling in Influenza A virus-infected cells identifies a novel class of virus-affected proteins
Hubel Philipp |
Protein turnover profiling in Influenza A virus-infected cells identifies a novel class of virus-affected proteins
Husebye Harald |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
The assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome require the Rab11-family interacting protein 2
Inforzato Antonio |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Ingegnere Tiziano |
Mechanisms regulating soluble PD-1 production and function in human NK cells
Ip Ka Man |
High throughput screen for small molecule inducers of trained immunity
Ismailova Aiten |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Ivan Cristina |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Jaillon Sebastien |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Jain Nitin |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Jakwerth Constanze |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Jansen Lars |
Flip side of the coin: IFN-induced trained immunity in non-immune cells
Jensen Vanessa |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Joubert Philippe |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Julve Josep |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Kagan Jonathan |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Kampranis Sotirios |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
Kandylaki Evangelia |
The role of fibroblasts in initiation and maintenance of inflammation in the context of insulin resistance in ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
Kanneganti Thirumala-Devi |
Targeting innate immunity and inflammatory cell death, PANoptosis, for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases
Karlsson Roger |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Kaufmann Eva |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Keating Michael |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Khader Shabaana |
TBA - Shabaana Khader
Khan Nargis |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Khare Priyanka |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Kilburn Bridget |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Kilic Gizem |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Kim Ji-Eun |
Gut microbiota promotes mesenchymal niche development in early postnatal period by inducing macrophage Wnt secretion
Kindlova Zdislava |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Klocperk Adam |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Knight Hannah |
High throughput screen for small molecule inducers of trained immunity
Koeken Valerie |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Kolliniati Ourania |
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Kontakis Georgios |
The role of fibroblasts in initiation and maintenance of inflammation in the context of insulin resistance in ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
Koopman Werner |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Kostidis Sarantos |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Kubelkova Klara |
Signaling windows concept of innate immune responses – Francisella as a model
Kumar Amrita |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Kunderfranco Paolo |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Kuo Wan-Ting |
Rab37 fosters M2 polarization of tumor-associated macrophages via autophagy
Kvasnicka Ales |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Lagos Sofía |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Lambris John D. |
The dawn of clinical C3 inhibition: the story, its milestones and what lies ahead
Landolina Nadine |
Mechanisms regulating soluble PD-1 production and function in human NK cells
Lapi Ioanna |
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Lavine Kory |
Innate Immunity and Cardiac Repair
Lee Andrea |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Type I IFNs exacerbates Mycobaterium tuberbulosis induced cell death of human monocyte-derived macrophages
Leong Wai Fook |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Li Yang |
Unraveling Genetic and Epigenetic Regulations of Immune Response in Disease and Trained Immunity through Integration of Multi-omic and Single-Cell Data
Emerging Immune Regulatory Roles of GARP in Cancer: Beyond Tregs
Lien Egil |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Lim Jyue Yuan |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
linkermann Andreas |
TBA - Linkermann
Modulation of STING signaling changes outcomes of acute kidney injury
Locatelli Franco |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Lugli Enrico |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Lum Josephine |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Maccioni Mariana |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Macela Ales |
Signaling windows concept of innate immune responses – Francisella as a model
Maggi Enrico |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Magrini Elena |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Maidl Sussane |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Maines Taronna |
PB2 and NS1 genes of 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus are associated with proinflammatory innate responses in human airway epithelial cells
Malcova Hanna |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Man Si Ming |
Inflammasome activation by bacterial toxins
Mantovani Alberto |
Cellular and Humoral Innate Immunity from Cancer to Covid-19
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Marava Ismini |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
Mariancini Andrea |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Marinelli Luciano |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Mariotti Francesca Romana |
Impact of the tumor microenvironment on the NK cell function: the effect of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSC) and mechanism of PD-1 expression
Mechanisms regulating soluble PD-1 production and function in human NK cells
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Martin James |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Masinova Jana |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Masonou Tereza |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Massaro Cenere Mariangela |
Resolution of inflammation is impaired in Parkinson’s disease and is rescued by specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator RvD1 through targeting microglia and brain-infiltrating macrophages
Matlung Hanke |
Versatile ways to obtain versatile cells: proteomics-based understanding of macrophage priming by environmental signals
Matteocci Alessandro |
Resolution of inflammation is impaired in Parkinson’s disease and is rescued by specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator RvD1 through targeting microglia and brain-infiltrating macrophages
Matzaraki Vasiliki |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
McCarthy Callum |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
McGovern Toby |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Melandri Daisy |
Innate versus adaptive TCR engagement in gamma delta T cell activation
Memari Babak |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Menale Ciro |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Mendoza Marisela |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Mercuri Nicola |
Resolution of inflammation is impaired in Parkinson’s disease and is rescued by specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator RvD1 through targeting microglia and brain-infiltrating macrophages
Mergner Julia |
An orthogonal Approach to test the Relevance of ADP-ribosylation in Antiviral Immunity
Mestvedt Ingvild |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Meyer-Barber Katrin |
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of innate inflammation in response to MTb and SARS-CoV2
Mhlanga Musa |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
TBA - Musa Mhlanga
Midtbö Kristine |
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Mikulski Pawel |
Flip side of the coin: IFN-induced trained immunity in non-immune cells
Minoda Akiko |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Mirchandani Ananda |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Mishra Vishwas |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Monari Marta |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Monin Leticia |
Innate versus adaptive TCR engagement in gamma delta T cell activation
Monteiro Sindeaux Renata |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Moorlag Simone |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Moretta Lorenzo |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Different effects of NK cells and NK-derived soluble factors on cell lines derived from primary or metastatic pancreatic cancers
Impact of the tumor microenvironment on the NK cell function: the effect of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSC) and mechanism of PD-1 expression
Mechanisms regulating soluble PD-1 production and function in human NK cells
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Macrophages regulate ILC2 immune checkpoints expression and responsiveness to tissue-derived signals
Morozan Arina |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Morrison Tyler |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Moura Silva Hernandez |
Perivascular Macrophages in the intersection of health and disease
Mourits Vera |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Munari Enrico |
Different effects of NK cells and NK-derived soluble factors on cell lines derived from primary or metastatic pancreatic cancers
Murray Peter |
Immunological control of ferroptosis by tryptophan metabolism
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Muth Sabine |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Naglik Julian |
Candidalysin variants possess different potencies of immune activation in oral epithelial cells
Nathan Carl |
Type I IFNs exacerbates Mycobaterium tuberbulosis induced cell death of human monocyte-derived macrophages
Nayar Shikha |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Negishi Yutaka |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Netea Mihai |
Novel insights in trained immunity
Neuzil Bunesova Vera |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Ngo Minh |
Oxidised cholesterols drive macrophage infiltration into the lung during bacterial and viral respiratory infections
Nilsen Kaja |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Novakovic Boris |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
O'Neil John |
The glucocorticoid dexamethasone impairs antiviral effects of interferon-beta in an in vitro model of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Obando Ignacio |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Ostuni Renato |
Transcriptional control of myeloid cell identity and activation
Otto Natasja |
Versatile ways to obtain versatile cells: proteomics-based understanding of macrophage priming by environmental signals
Ozturk Mumin |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Paci Paola |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Paflioti Eleni |
The role of fibroblasts in initiation and maintenance of inflammation in the context of insulin resistance in ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
Palagano Eleonora |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Pantazi Ioanna |
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Pappas Claudia |
PB2 and NS1 genes of 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus are associated with proinflammatory innate responses in human airway epithelial cells
Parackova Zuzana |
Aberrant tolerogenic functions and proinflammatory skew of dendritic cells
in STAT1 gain-of-function patients may contribute to autoimmunity and
fungal susceptibility
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Parente Raffaella |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Pasqualini Fabio |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Patti Sara |
Mining pathway-based molecular networks to integrate and interpret multi-omics data
Pavelcova Katerina |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Pavelka Karel |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Pavlikova Marketa |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Pelosi Andrea |
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Pernet Erwan |
Immunity to Influenza A Virus during Pregnancy: An unexpected Mechanism of Resistance
Perreta Alejandro |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Persson Alexander |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Pichlmair Andreas |
An orthogonal Approach to test the Relevance of ADP-ribosylation in Antiviral Immunity
Protein turnover profiling in Influenza A virus-infected cells identifies a novel class of virus-affected proteins
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Piras Antonio |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Ponzetta Andrea |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Porte Rémi |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Possetti Valentina |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Potter Ryan |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Prabhakar Shyam |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Pritsch Otto |
Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: an immunomodulatory lipid-binding protein at the host-parasite interface
Probst Hans Christian |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Puccio Simone |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Quartiani Ignacio |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Quatrini Linda |
Macrophages regulate ILC2 immune checkpoints expression and responsiveness to tissue-derived signals
Impact of the tumor microenvironment on the NK cell function: the effect of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSC) and mechanism of PD-1 expression
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Quintarelli Concetta |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Rahman Adeeb |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Ranjan Priya |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Rebl Henrike |
Lost and found: inhibitors of NF-kappaB signalling in fish
Recordati Camilla |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Regis Fara |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Renieris Georgios |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Reyes Leila |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Richardson Jonathan |
Candidalysin variants possess different potencies of immune activation in oral epithelial cells
Rigatelli Anna |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Robbins Clinton |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Rodriguez-Blanco Giovanni |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Rodriguez-Gallego Jose |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Ronacher Katharina |
Oxidised cholesterols drive macrophage infiltration into the lung during bacterial and viral respiratory infections
Ruppova Klara |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Ryan Liv |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Sadiku Pranvera |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Salehi-Tabar Reyhaneh |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Sambhara Suryaprakash |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Santopolo Silvia |
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Sarais Fabio |
Lost and found: inhibitors of NF-kappaB signalling in fish
Saraiva Margarida |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Särndahl Eva |
Live cell imaging delineating the kinetic correlation between ASC-speck formation and cytokine release in the NLRP3 inflammasome. One course of action or dependent on initiating trigger?
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Sauer Julia |
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Sætra Ragnhild |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Scavello Francesco |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Schabbauer Gernot |
Where does the bigger version of macrophages - giant cells - come from?
Schiavone Maria |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Schläfli Joëlle |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Schlösser Daniela |
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Schmidt-Weber Carsten |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Schneider Sarah |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
SEBO Peter |
MyD88-dependent activation of innate immune defense rules the Bordetella pertussis infection of nasal cavity
Sediva Anna |
Aberrant tolerogenic functions and proinflammatory skew of dendritic cells
in STAT1 gain-of-function patients may contribute to autoimmunity and
fungal susceptibility
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Shaiber Alon |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Shen Jingjing |
High throughput screen for small molecule inducers of trained immunity
Shenoy Avinash |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Siebeler Ricky |
The histone demethylase KDM3A modulates macrophage pro-inflammatory phenotype in atherosclerosis
Silva Marta |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Silva-Alvarez Valeria |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Silva-Gomes Rita |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Silvério Diogo |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Silvestre Ricardo |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Singhal Amit |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Sinibaldi Matilde |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Sironi Marina |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Siwek Wojciech |
Flip side of the coin: IFN-induced trained immunity in non-immune cells
Skjesol Astrid |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Smit Eva |
Versatile ways to obtain versatile cells: proteomics-based understanding of macrophage priming by environmental signals
Smith Christian |
Oxidised cholesterols drive macrophage infiltration into the lung during bacterial and viral respiratory infections
Soares Miguel |
Why do we survive or die from infections?
Sobacchi Cristina |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Soo Ross |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Spanou Victoria |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Splichal Igor |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Splichalova Alla |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Sponarova Jana |
Building a scRNAseq Macrophage Atlas: A Comprehensive View of Cellular Heterogeneity and Function
Sporsheim Bjørnar |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Stallings Christina |
Inflammation as a Driver of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis
Stamataki Zania |
The glucocorticoid dexamethasone impairs antiviral effects of interferon-beta in an in vitro model of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Steinberg Benjamin Ethan |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Stevens James |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Stiburkova Blanka |
Alterations in lipidome profiles distinguish early-onset hyperuricemia and gout
Strina Dario |
Innate immunity and bone infections: emerging roles of PTX3 in Staphylococcus aureus-dependent osteomyelitis
Stukalov Alexey |
Protein turnover profiling in Influenza A virus-infected cells identifies a novel class of virus-affected proteins
Sun Jie |
Inhibition of MPC simultaneously mitigates hyperinflammation and hyperglycemia in COVID-19
Supino Domenico |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Synodinou Kalliopi |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Takahashi Takeshi |
A single cell epigenomic atlas of adjuvant-mediated innate immune responses
Tehrani Sahar |
Flip side of the coin: IFN-induced trained immunity in non-immune cells
Teimouri Nezhad Sara |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
Theroude Charlotte |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
Thompson Erika |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Tiberi Marta |
Resolution of inflammation is impaired in Parkinson’s disease and is rescued by specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator RvD1 through targeting microglia and brain-infiltrating macrophages
Tonnus Wulf |
Modulation of STING signaling changes outcomes of acute kidney injury
Tripodo Claudio |
Neutrophils mediate protection against colitis and carcinogenesis by controlling bacterial invasion and driving IL-22 production by gamma delta T cells.
Tsatsanis Christos |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
The role of fibroblasts in initiation and maintenance of inflammation in the context of insulin resistance in ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Tuekprakhon Aekkachai |
The glucocorticoid dexamethasone impairs antiviral effects of interferon-beta in an in vitro model of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Tuerxun Kedeye |
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Tumino Nicola |
Different effects of NK cells and NK-derived soluble factors on cell lines derived from primary or metastatic pancreatic cancers
Impact of the tumor microenvironment on the NK cell function: the effect of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSC) and mechanism of PD-1 expression
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Unsöld Julia |
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Urban Christian |
Protein turnover profiling in Influenza A virus-infected cells identifies a novel class of virus-affected proteins
Vacca Paola |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
Different effects of NK cells and NK-derived soluble factors on cell lines derived from primary or metastatic pancreatic cancers
Impact of the tumor microenvironment on the NK cell function: the effect of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSC) and mechanism of PD-1 expression
Mechanisms regulating soluble PD-1 production and function in human NK cells
Deciphering the role of long non-coding RNAs in the immunosuppression of natural killer cells.
Macrophages regulate ILC2 immune checkpoints expression and responsiveness to tissue-derived signals
Valdez Karen |
High-yield influenza A vaccine virus production in MDCK cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Valentino Sonia |
The long pentraxin PTX3 protects against invasive pneumococcal infection through regulation of the inflammatory response.
van de Veerdonk Frank |
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection.
Van den Biggelaar Maartje |
Versatile ways to obtain versatile cells: proteomics-based understanding of macrophage priming by environmental signals
van Geest Geert |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
van Muilekom Doret |
Lost and found: inhibitors of NF-kappaB signalling in fish
Velegraki Maria |
Emerging Immune Regulatory Roles of GARP in Cancer: Beyond Tregs
Vergadi Eleni |
The histone demethylase PHF8 regulates macrophage activation and metabolism
The role of the scavenger receptor MARCO in Group B Streptococcus (GBS) clearance in neonatal and adult macrophages.
Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)
Verin Melissa |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Vidergar Romana |
Evolution of blood monocyte landscape during human NSCLC reveals their functional plasticity: Insights into pro-tumor activity, treatment response and mechanisms of resistance.
Villarino Andrea |
Studying the complement system of the ancient chondrostean fish Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
Vining Kyle |
Mechanical regulation of inflammation in fibrotic niches
Vishwakarma Jyoti |
evolution of virus-host interactions in SARS-CoV-2 VOCs
Vlkova Eva |
HMGB1 and TLR4 in Gnotobiotic Piglets Associated with Probiotics and Defined Oligo Microbiota
Synthetic Microbiota and Colonization Resistance in Gnotobiotic Piglets
Volchuk Allen |
Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death
Von Kriegsheim Alex |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Vorontsov Egor |
Cytokine responses to LPS in reprogrammed monocytes are associated with the transcription factor PU.1
Vrabcova Petra |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Aberrant tolerogenic functions and proinflammatory skew of dendritic cells
in STAT1 gain-of-function patients may contribute to autoimmunity and
fungal susceptibility
Walmsley Sarah |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Hypoxia induced epigenetic changes are associated with long lasting perturbations in neutrophil metabolic and functional programs in health and disease.
Walthert Sabrina |
Targeted removal of macrophage-secreted interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects against lethal Candida albicans sepsis
Wang Shijie |
IL-1β ubiquitylation and turnover suppresses inflammation
Watson Carolin |
Metabolic Reprogramming to Warburg Metabolism Enables Macrophages to Withstand Ferroptosis
Watts Emily |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Weber Gerrit |
Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair the anti-tumor efficacy of GD2.CAR T-cells in patients with neuroblastoma
White John |
Discovery of a forkhead box protein transcriptional network in human neutrophils following exposure to inflammatory stimuli
Whyte Moira |
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Wickramasinghe Don Navod |
Candidalysin variants possess different potencies of immune activation in oral epithelial cells
Wieder Cecilia |
Mining pathway-based molecular networks to integrate and interpret multi-omics data
Wierda William |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Yan Xiao-Jie |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Yurchenko Maria |
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
The assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome require the Rab11-family interacting protein 2
Zedler Ulrike |
Breaking the link: Disentangling inflammasome activation and glycolytic reprogramming in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected macrophages
Zeng Peipei |
Training human hematopoietic stem cells: a novel vaccination strategy against Tuberculosis
PB2 and NS1 genes of 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus are associated with proinflammatory innate responses in human airway epithelial cells
Zentsova Irena |
Balance between TNFα and type I IFN in JIA patients during anti TNFα therapy
Aberrant tolerogenic functions and proinflammatory skew of dendritic cells
in STAT1 gain-of-function patients may contribute to autoimmunity and
fungal susceptibility
Zhang Ronghua |
Characterization of non-coding RNAs and related target proteins in monocytes and macrophages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
SLAMF1-derived peptide could limit the inflammatory signaling downstream several Toll-like receptors
Glucose rewires neutrophil metabolism and promotes host injury
Zuniga Elina |
Type I Interferon Exhaustion