XVIIIth Congress of the European Shock Society and IXth Congress of the Int'l Federation of Shock Societies

October 9, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

7:30 - 8:00 Breakfast 


What Apollo Reveals: Innate Immune Response to Trauma /HS (Auditorium)

Chairs: Irshad Chaudry, USA / Frank Hildebrand, Germany

08:00 - 08:20   Welcome ESS/IFSS/Aegean Conf (M. Huber-Lang, Germany / S. Bahrami, Austria / J. Lambris, USA)

08:20 - 08:40   Barrier failure after trauma/ HS (M. Huber-Lang, Germany)

08:40 - 09:00   Cellular innate immune response (T. Billiar, USA)

09:00 - 09:20   Fluid phase immune response (T. Mollnes, Norway)

09:20 - 09:30   Metabolic systems analysis of shock-induced endotheliopathy (SHINE) in trauma – a new research paradigm (H. Henriksen, Denmark)

09:30 - 09:40   Immunosuppression is associated with concurrent inflammation, endothelial activation and loss of endothelial barrier function in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (X. Brands, Netherlands)

09:40 - 09:50   Temperature-dependent reprogramming of bacterial clearance by neutrophils versus macrophages (M. Fonseca, Brazil)

09:50 - 10:00   Alcohol drinking modulates coagulation, barrier function with subsequent inflammation and leukocyte functions in healthy volunteers (R. Sturm, Germany)


10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break


Prometheus’ Bestowment: Novel Pathomechanisms and Therapeutics in Critical Care (Auditorium)

Chairs: Karim Brohi, UK / C. Szabo, Switzerland

10:30 - 10:50   Septic organ failure – Molecular mechanisms and translation (S. Coldewey, Germany) 

10:50 - 11:10   Effects of the poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase inhibitor Olaparib in preclinical models of CLP-induced sepsis and in cerulein-induced pancreatitis: opportunities for therapeutic repurposing  (C. Szabo, Switzerland)

11:10 - 11: 30  Potential mechanisms of how HAT therapy improves sepsis survival (D. Remick, USA)

11:30 - 11:40   Metabolic redundancy in the regulation of lipopolysaccharide induced cytokine production by human monocytes and macrophages (N. Otto, Netherlands)

11:40 – 11:50  Sodium thiosulfate protects swine against hemorrhagic shock-induced acute lung injury, which is associated with increased glucocorticoid receptor expression (M. Wepler, Germany)

11:50 - 12:00   Enteral gabexate mesilate preserves baroreceptor reflex in non-blood resuscitated experimental trauma/hemorrhagic shock (F. Dos Santos, USA)

12:00 - 12:10   Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibition attenuates cardiac dysfunction caused by cecal ligation and puncture in mice (O’Riordan, United Kingdom)

12:10 - 12:20   Methane treatment improves the renal function in a large animal model of cardiopulmonary bypass (D. Érces, Hungary)

12:20 - 12:30   TREM-1 pharmacological inhibition by LR12/nangibotide improves survival and controls vascular leakage during experimental endotoxic shock in mice (A. Boufenzer, France)


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch


13:30 - 14:30   Poster Session (Poster area)

            (Organization: B. Relja, Germany / T. Skirecki, Poland)

            Chairs: Borna Relja, Germany / Mihály Boros, Hungary / Inge Bauer, Germany / Andrey Kozlov, Austria / Evangelos Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Greece / T. Skirecki, Poland /  Basilia Zingarelli, USA / Andrea Szabo, Hungary

Prometheus and Hephaestus counsel: Clinically Relevant Modelling of Critical Care Conditions (Auditorium)

Chairs: Borna Relja, Germany / Andrea Szabo, Hungary

14:30 - 14:50   Clinical relevance: Precision Medicine in Sepsis (T. van der Poll, Netherlands)

14:50 - 15:05   What about sepsis modelling? - Wiggers-Bernard report & outlook 

(M. Osuchowski, Austria)

15:05 - 15:20 Anything new in hemorrhagic shock? (W. Martini, USA)

15:20 - 15:30 Methane delays mitochondrial permeability transition pore-mediated calcium-efflux and improves endogenous calcium release in a rat model of hypoxemic hypoxia (L. Juhász, Hungary)

15:30 - 15:40 Effects of adjuncts on muscle oxygenation, perfusion and permeability in rats subjected to prolonged hemorrhagic shock studied by using a noninvasive automated system (I. Torres Filho, USA)

15:40 - 15:50 Cardiac function and renal blood flow in two models of haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (C. Neu, Germany)

15:50 - 16:00 Adenosine and an adenosine A2A receptor agonist alleviate cardiac dysfunction in a trauma-haemorrhage mouse model (B.Praditsuktavorn, United Kingdom)

16:00 - 16:10 In vivo platelet function and coagulopathy of trauma studied by intravital microscopy: integration of systemic and local parameters (I. Torres Filho, USA)

16:10 - 16:20 Microbiological aspects of a rat model of sepsis meeting the Minimum Quality Threshold In Pre-clinical Sepsis Studies criteria (S. Tallósy, Hungary)

16:20 - 16:30 Tranexamic acid prevents irreversible damage to fibrinogen receptors, thereby improving platelet function (J. Zipperle, Austria)


16:30 – 17:00  Coffee Break


Hippocrates meets Plato: Consequences and Complications of Trauma / Sepsis - ESS/ESTES (Auditorium)

Chairs: Marc Maegele, Germany / Mihály Boros, Hungary

17:00 - 17:20 Clinical consequences after polytrauma (M. Maegele, Germany)

17:20 - 17:40 Translational research in hemorrhagic shock (M. van Griensven, Netherlands)

17:40 - 17:50 The intergenerational burden of bacterial sepsis - preclinical evidence for a hereditary immunodeficiency (F. Uhle, Germany)

17:50 - 18:00  Outcome-dependent leukocyte and cytokine differences in human and mouse compartments follow similar dynamics in septic humanized mice(T. Skirecki, Poland)

18:00 - 18:10 Structural and functional heart damage is prevented by sensory contact to the stressor following psychosocial trauma (M. Kalbitz, Germany)

18:10 - 18:20 Transkingdom analysis of the intestinal ecosystem of critically ill patients on the intensive care unit (B. Haak, Netherlands)

18:20 - 18:30 Peritoneal macrophages impair dendritic cell function through prostaglandin E2/E prostanoid 4 receptor interaction early during polymicrobial sepsis(S. Flohé, Germany)

18:30 - 18:40 Acute CLP nullifies pre-existing sex-related differences in the metabolomic profile in the blood (S. Drechsler, Austria)

18:40 - 18:50 Low doses of dexamethasone prevents intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in endotoxemic shock (R. Saia, Brazil)

18:50 - 19:00 Pentraxin-3 is involved in defense against klebsiella pneumoniae infection (F. Asgari, Italy)


19:30 - 23:00 Dinner / Informal Discussions 


Parallel Session (Seminar Room)

13:30 – 14:30       IFSS Board Meeting

Chairs: Soheyl Bahrami, Austria / Basilia Zingarelli, USA (IFSS Secretary)


14:30 – 18:30       ROTEM-Workshop

14:30-14:45             Welcome and Introduction by the Workshop Chairs
Marc Maegele, Germany

14:45-15:15             Thromboelastometry Basics                                                                                         
Klaus Görlinger, Essen/Munich, Germany

15:15-15:45             Ratio-driven MTPs versus Goal-directed PBM in Trauma
Klaus Görlinger, Essen/Munich, Germany

15:45-16:15             European Trauma Guidelines: Update 2019
Marc Maegele, Cologne, Germany

16:15-16:45             Coffee break

16:45-18:00             Hands-on Simulation Goal-directed Therapy of TIC
Marc Maegele, Klaus Görlinger, Nikos Simos (Antisel), Poonam Rao (Werfen EEMEAI)


Prof. Marc Maegele, MD, Department for Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery, Cologne- Merheim Medical Centre, University of Witten/Herdecke, Cologne, Germany. 

Klaus Görlinger, MD, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Germany, and Medical Director TEM Innovations, Munich, Germany. 

Sponsored by CSL Behring, ANTIΣEΛ and Werfen