11th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics

Organizing Committee

John Lambris, Ph.D. 

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
401 Stellar chance
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104

Reis Edimara, Ph.D. 

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
401 Stellar Chance, 422 Curie Blvd.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 

Michael Holers, MD 

University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
Department of Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology
Box B115, 1775 Aurora Ct.
Aurora Colorado 80045

Daniel Ricklin, Ph.D. 

University of Basel
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Molecular Pharmacy Group)
Klingelbergstrasse 50
Basel Basel-Landschaft CH-4056 

Antonio Risitano, MD 

Federico II University of Naples
Division of Hematology
Via Pansini 5
Naples 80131

Richard J.H. Smith, MD 

The University of Iowa
Molecular Otolaryngology and Renal Research Laboratories
285 Newton Rd., 5270 CBRB
Iowa City Iowa 52242